
Friday, August 7, 2020

Correction: New on NIH MedlinePlus Magazine


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New on NIH MedlinePlus Magazine

We apologize for our earlier email, which contained incorrect links to these articles.

08/04/2020 09:00 AM EDT
Of four tested treatments, hydrogen peroxide was the most effective at decontaminating N95 masks for potential reuse. Health care workers wear N95 respirator masks to keep themselves safe while caring for people with infectious diseases such as COVID-19. These masks were designed for only one use. But early study results from research by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have found that the masks can be decontaminated and potentially reused up to three times. "To test mask safety, NIAID researchers first exposed the masks to SARS-CoV-2, the
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07/30/2020 09:00 AM EDT
Vaccines help your body fight off infections. August is National Immunization Awareness Month, which brings attention to the value of protecting yourself and your family from vaccine-preventable diseases like chickenpox and the flu. Vaccines help control and sometimes get rid of diseases like measles or polio that in years past sickened or killed many people. They offer protection from viruses and bacteria that can make us very sick.  Vaccine research is a priority for the National
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