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| Трамп не планує помилування Ассанжа – ЗМІ | Про це повідомляє Fox News з посиланням на джерела, які знайомі зі списком на помилування, передає ... повідомляє телеканал. При цьому, за даними Fox News, Трамп має намір помилувати репера Lil Wayne, який визнав себе винним у... | 19/01/21 00:28 | Ukraine | ukrinform.ua | Tweet | | |
| Fox: Трамп не планирует помиловать Ассанжа | ...организации WikiLeaks Джулиана Ассанжа. Об этом сообщил в понедельник телеканал Fox News. По информации его источников, решения главы государства будут оглашены во вторник. В числе лиц, которых планирует помиловать Трамп, - рэпер Лил Уэйн, ранее... | 19/01/21 00:27 | Russia | tass.ru | Tweet | | |
| Трамп отказался помиловать Ассанжа | ...намерен помиловать основателя WikiLeaks Джулиана Ассанжа. Как сообщает телеканал Fox News, действующий американский лидер решил помиловать от 50 до 100 человек перед истечением своих президентских полномочий. Это произошло несмотря на "активную... | 18/01/21 23:18 | Russia | mk.ru | Tweet | | |
| GET A GRIP �� | It's CRYSTAL CLEAR that Fox News operates as an amplifier of the dangerously polarising conspiracy-driven populist nationalist radicalization rhetoric which contributed significantly to the perception that America was 'under attack' from Muslims, Migrants, & Marxists. WE'RE NEXT. https://t.co/F8pagTeDMw | 19/01/21 01:23 | United Kingdom | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Nick Reeves 3.5% #FBPE | Are you ready for a British Fox News? More hate, lies, disinformation and division. Murdoch's Fox News is an enemy of democracy, and a self-respecting democracy must clamp down on such kleptofascist propaganda outlets. https://t.co/IiF3trs7wx | 19/01/21 01:13 | United Kingdom | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| AI6YR | (FYI: Lots of Fox News affiliates are running vaccine fear, uncertainty, doubt news stories today. Don't be stupid, follow the experts, not the disinformation... ) #pandemic | 19/01/21 01:08 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| #TuckFrump | Trump will leave office without 'protective' pardons for himself or his family: Fox News https://t.co/pw1BAhwqnc | 19/01/21 01:02 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Raw Story | Trump will leave office without 'protective' pardons for himself or his family: Fox News https://t.co/0vo4TOlOPv | 19/01/21 01:01 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Tom Elliott | To ensure Rep. Cohen's safety all we need to do now is simply fire all of the non-minority National Guardsmen and then additionally screen if any have watched Fox News recently and then fire them too. #SafetyFirst https://t.co/RMWSLzaZlW | 19/01/21 01:01 | Spain | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| The Bias | Fox News: President Trump not expected to issue "protective" pardons to members of his family, not expected to attempt a protective pardon for himself. | 19/01/21 01:00 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Insider Paper | BREAKING: President Trump not expected to give pardon to himself, according to Fox News. | 19/01/21 00:59 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| R.NELLA | BIEN FAIT NEWS TOUTE FRAICHEMENT ARRIVE DES USA .............Les cotes de Fox News chutent après que les partisans de Trump abandonnent le réseau https://t.co/dItl0IlfAV https://t.co/INMsor2wbQ | 19/01/21 00:54 | France | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Resist Patriot™�� | Fox News was trying to manipulate the election but this is down right proof of just how far they would go to keep trump in power. this is sick and wrong. https://t.co/7UpjTBnH3z | 19/01/21 00:51 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Hugo Lowell | President Trump is NOT expected to use protective pardons for himself or for members of his family, Fox News reports just now. | 19/01/21 00:50 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| DeMarcus Gilliard | It makes some people uncomfortable to say that Fox News is terrible for democracy. The knee-jerk reaction is to claim that MSNBC AND CNN are no better. This couldn't be further from the truth but yet it's often the argument against criticism of Fox News. Fox News know this. | 19/01/21 00:48 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Fr. Robert R. Ballecer, SJ | Fox News didn't care about LYING about Seth Rich's death. They didn't care about being CAUGHT lying about Seth Rich's death. They didn't even care about having to PAY for lying about Seth Rich's death. ... They only cared about getting Trump re-elected https://t.co/vWAmEriMRp | 19/01/21 00:47 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Oliver Willis | fox news is not subject to fcc regulation because they do not use the public airwaves to distribute their content (satellite, cable tv). if there were a new fairness doctrine (never happening) it wouldn't apply to fox anyhow. | 19/01/21 00:42 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| JRehling | Fox settled a lawsuit over their coverage of Seth Rich's death that could not be revealed until after the election. Fox News is not a news agency. It is a campaign arm of the Republican Party and their operations should be regulated as campaign contributions are regulated. | 19/01/21 00:41 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Elly | All I see behind the new writers news is how important SCK is for FOX and MFyapim. They are doing their best to keep the show going and to make it as best as it could get. THEY ARE AWARE OF THE HUGE SUCCESS AND I LOVE THIS. AND AGAIN I TRUST NESLIHAN #sençalkapimi #edser | 19/01/21 00:41 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Scott Nevins | FOX News insisted in a settlement that the public not know that it lied to its viewers until AFTER the election. Think about that... https://t.co/KDQKXaQO7H | 19/01/21 00:40 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Paul Ybarra | The conditions of this settlement just add salt to the wounds of the Rich family. First, they lied continuously about his death for political reasons. Then, they settle with conditions that are nothing but political. Fox News is a Trump Virus on our society. #RemoveThemAll | 19/01/21 00:39 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Andy Mannix | Fox News settled with Seth Rich's family so Hannity and Dobbs didn't have to be interviewed under oath, with the condition the settlement remain secret until the Nov 3 election. Why would anyone trust a media org that won't answer for that? https://t.co/8Sj3yw77PO | 19/01/21 00:29 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Dr. Dawn Michael�� | The Daily Beast reports that Fox News finished third to both MSNBC and CNN for three days running last week, their worst performance in over 20 years. https://t.co/Vw6jJHHFry | 19/01/21 00:17 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| candacemariecooper | Joe Scarborough: Fox News Knew They Were 'Lying All Along' About Stolen Election 'And It's Landed Them in Last Place' #SmartNews https://t.co/Ip60m1HPl9 | 19/01/21 00:14 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Tomi Ahonen Adjunct Professor of Trump University | I can help. I'm Adjunct Professor at Trump University Dept of Journalism & Newsy Things. Fox News is a factivore which feasts on knowledge, processes truth into lies that are excreted as shit, bullshit, & hannity. It was briefly popular at the height of fake news (the Trump era) | 19/01/21 00:13 | Hong Kong | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Slate | Choosing to miss the point in favor of another, much dumber point is what Fox News does—even after an insurrection. https://t.co/ZS97hm4dCs | 19/01/21 00:06 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Jeremy Barr | Maria Bartiromo will get a trial run as host of Fox's new 7 p.m. weekday opinion show, which replaced a news hour https://t.co/wIKyIWjL7B https://t.co/MKZflKEDPO | 19/01/21 00:04 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| The Toaster | There was an alert sent out via Fox News app that said: Capitol evacuated due to an external threat." It was deleted within seconds! We know their playbook. The only move they have left is a FF. | 19/01/21 00:03 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Ben Owen | Fox News Ratings PLUMMET After Abandoning Its MAGA Viewers https://t.co/FGz0GjWfPx | 19/01/21 00:02 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| The Daily Edge | "There's an emotional segment... that Fox News specializes in. Our working title for it is 'Obedients'," @TonyatAIS told me in April. Those Obedients listened to Trump and @seanhannity all year long and now 400,000 Americans are dead. https://t.co/UagRFjJM4i #TrumpVirus | 18/01/21 23:49 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Victor Pickard | Part of the problem is that we normalized Fox News. Reluctantly, perhaps. But we accepted it as the conservative point of view, reflecting that audience. Indeed, we've normalized the entire US media system, which is pretty unusual compared to democratic nations around the world. https://t.co/SJ3wOG8Kq0 | 18/01/21 23:46 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Kara Swisher | Read & remember this from @benyt on the insidious impact of Fox News & its leaders: "That's the genius of the Murdochs' management of the place: They collect the cash while evading responsibility & letting their hosts work primarily for Mr. Trump." https://t.co/AlY92DzCqp | 18/01/21 23:45 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Audrey Cooper | If any other news outlet did this, it would be all over Fox News for weeks. Politicians would be yapping about it whenever they had a chance to discredit media that holds them to account. Yet Fox News maxes up a conspiracy theory and gets to hide it until after the election. https://t.co/myQajUkgyu | 18/01/21 23:45 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| The Daily Edge | Even as his despicable propaganda killed #MAGA voters and their loved ones by the tens of thousands, Fox News protected scumbag @seanhannity from being exposed for his lies in the Seth Rich case until after the election. #BloodOnHisHandsHannity https://t.co/pG99fTm5lr | 18/01/21 23:44 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| SUPER-SPREADER Dr.Nick Searcy,INT’L FILM & TV STAR | Since lockdowns didn't work, Next @gavinnewsom should try boarding people into their homes. That's how his allies in the #ccp did it. Los Angeles County, known for strict lockdowns, hits 1 million COVID cases | Fox News https://t.co/OLiuNzQUBq | 18/01/21 23:34 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Mike Sington | Joe Scarborough: "Fox News hosts knew they were lying to the viewers & spreading the lie to get a couple more thousand viewers. And it's landed them in last place now." He's right. The number one news network for years has plummeted to last place every day since the insurrection. | 18/01/21 23:27 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Schmoo�� | 25000 National Guard troops are being vetted to root out insurrectionists. Fox News is played on all US bases.😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 | 18/01/21 23:23 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Radio Free Virginia | @CBS_Herridge @AP Pretty shameful, and it smacks of a coming purge. By what standard are they to be vetted? Whether they are now or have even been a Republican? Or, have you ever watched Fox News? | 18/01/21 23:04 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Юлия Витязева | Fox News сообщает, что на этой неделе президент Трамп готовится огласить от 50 до 100 помилований. | 18/01/21 22:53 | Russia | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Stephen Battaglio | Exclusive: Fox News Primetime hosts include @MariaBartiromo @KatiePavlich @MarkSteynOnline @TGowdySC @RCamposDuffy and @kilmeade https://t.co/1R6VACLErS | 18/01/21 22:51 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| pidgin spectator index | @spectatorindex YANKEE: Fox News dey talk say President Trump dey ginger to give commutations and pardons to like 100 people, Lil Wayne sef follow dey among dem | 18/01/21 22:41 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Brooklyn Black Vet in Baltimore #B1 #FBA #ADOS | Props to @jimmydore and anybody that goes on Fox News and not only promotes Leftist ideas but changes someone as vile as Carlson's mind on Assange in front of a huge audience I would ask who is paying anybody trying to demonize opposing ideologies agreeing on something important | 18/01/21 22:01 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Akiva Cohen | No dogpiles, please, but I'm pleased to have Joshamee on team "Fox News must publish my four-part series on why the right wing media ecosystem is corrupt" and I look forward to him leading protests on my behalf against their unconstitutional refusal to do so | 18/01/21 22:00 | Bahamas | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Jont Trubek | Fox News ratings crash, but they're trying hard to win their conservative viewers back. Anyone care to comment? | 18/01/21 20:22 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Adam Reilly | Just an outstanding @benyt piece on the sociopathy of Fox News and its real-world consequences https://t.co/JKXDZxfhmx | 18/01/21 18:17 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Maga Goons For Hire | ...others want to be pundits on cable news show, but Fox News can only hire so many goons and they're already fully stocked... Very few of them have real value beyond Fox News, OAN, and Newsmax." Hilary Rosen, who is a vice chair of a public... | 19/01/21 00:15 | United States | claytoonz.com | Tweet | | |
| Трамп не планує помилування Ассанжа, | Очікується, що до фінального списку увійдуть від 50 до 100 осіб. Про це повідомляє Fox News з посиланням на джерела, які знайомі зі списком. Повідомляється, що оголосять про помилування у вівторок. Проте є невелика ймовірність, що Білий дім... | 19/01/21 00:10 | Ukraine | informator.press | Tweet | | |
| CNN Tries to Deplatform Conservative Competition | But what about TV companies that provide platforms to networks such as Newsmax, One America News — and, yes, Fox News? … After [the January 6] incident of domestic terrorism on Capitol Hill, it is time TV carriers face questions for lending their... | 19/01/21 00:06 | United States | moonbattery.com | Tweet | | |
| Donald Trump, caos, ira y división | ...de un desastre natural o un tiroteo sangriento. Siempre un ávido espectador de Fox News, lanzó virulentos ataques contra los medios a los que calificó de "corruptos" y "deshonestos" para atizar las divisiones. Y en un hecho notable, el... | 18/01/21 23:34 | Guatemala | elperiodico.com.gt | Tweet | | |
| Fairness and balance | On Oct. 12, 2020, Fox News agreed to pay millions of dollars to the family of a murdered Democratic National Committee staff member, implicitly acknowledging what saner minds knew long... | 18/01/21 23:09 | United Kingdom | lawyersgunsmoneyblog.com | Tweet | | |
| Lärdomar från den galna kejsarens sista dagar | ...senaste fyra åren varit möjliga att genomföra för Trump – men vissa medier, som t ex Fox News' kvällsprogram ledare, som Bill O'Reilly, Ingraham och så vidare, har alltid backat upp Donald Trump till 100% – inte enbart via programmen, men via... | 18/01/21 21:54 | Sweden | opulens.se | Tweet | | |
Discussions | 50 new results | |
| They're absolutely insane | ...so. So many people online tell me BLM burned the city to the ground. I get it, Fox News doctored images to make the protests look really dangerous, but, honestly, I live here. Nothing was burned down and the protest zone people get hyper fixated... | 19/01/21 01:28 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| El arte moribundo del desacuerdo | ...periodístico.En las últimas elecciones, el 40 por ciento de los votantes de Trump nombraron a Fox News como su principal fuente de noticias. Muchas gracias por eso, Australia. Suele darse el caso de que cuanto más hacemos algo, mejor lo hacemos. En... | 19/01/21 01:06 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| That's a lot of straw | ...it is a lot of straw. In that case, Why cant i slap on the (bankrupt) NRA logo, Fox News, Q Anon, Trump, thin blue line flag, straight "pride" flag, Confederate flag, proud boys gang colors, AK 47 "come and take it," "protect the unborn," "one... | 19/01/21 01:00 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Why Did BLM Choose "Defund The Police"? | First, its true that to interpret it that way you you have to come from a bad angle, but it feels like giving fox news and such even more ammo to frame BLM as bad. Secondly, some would argue that crime rates go down because the police are well... | 19/01/21 00:55 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Stocking up on ammo before Biden takes office | Right wingers think every democratic is trying to take their guns because fox news told them so. Even though the democrats have not tried to take their guns in the last 40 years, they still claim it. Basically, these people are idiots. | 19/01/21 00:46 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| So why didnt watch dogs 2 get branded as SJW | Admitting that wouldn't be consistent with your narrative though He's talking about the No-Go zones which only Fox News (god bless them) had the balls to cover. They have entire cities completely taken over by siege by immigrants, that have turned... | 19/01/21 00:12 | United States | gamefaqs.com | Tweet | | |
| Transition begins in the USA to a new era. | ...adults Associated Press/NORC[37] July 16–20, 2020 38% 61% 1% –23% 1,057 All adults Fox News[b][38] July 12–15, 2020 45% 54% 1% –9% 1,104 Registered voters ABC News/The Washington Post[39] July 12–15, 2020 39% 57% 4% –18% 1,006 All adults... | 18/01/21 20:44 | British Indian Ocean Territory | blowingwind.io | Tweet | | |
| Fox News Viewership Plummets | Fox News Channel, owned by Rupert Murdoch's Fox Corp, has dominated the rating books since the start of the 21st-century, but over the first two weeks of 2021, it has averaged fewer... | 18/01/21 18:52 | United States | aibafs.net | Tweet | | |
| Alexandria Ocasio-cortez | ...watch FOX News (GASP!) without constantly hearing the race card over and over and over. And I get it……if FOX News (GASP!!!!)... They must be Oreos. I also know that their FOX News (GASP!!!) is also the fairest of the cable news networks……this opinion... | 18/01/21 18:42 | United States | forums.prosportsdaily.com | Tweet | | |
| news/ - thedonald.win....loses - Current News - 4chan | >> Anonymous 01/18/21(Mon)09:54:02 No.772574 Anonymous 01/18/21(Mon)09:54:02 No.772574 >>772545 >tRump's the goddamned Shepherd for Christ's sake and he's yelling "Wolf!" in a herd of skittish cattle when all there is, is a fox(news). FTFY | 18/01/21 16:54 | United States | 4chan.org | Tweet | | |
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