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| Fenerbahçe galibiyet serisini sürdürdü | ...50%; left: 0%; transform: translate(0%,-50%);-ms-transform: translate(-0%,-50%);} .w3-display-right { position: absolute; top: 50%; right: 0%; transform: translate(0%,-50%);-ms-transform: translate(0%,-50%);} .w3-btn, .w3-button... | 19/01/21 03:11 | Turkey | vanpostasigazetesi.com | Tweet | | |
| Episode 1-2 | Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki | ...protagonist Tomozaki begins this story with the belief that his skill at games does not translate to success in his school's social hierarchy. His base stats, he thinks, are too low: he's not conventionally attractive, and he lacks charisma and... | 19/01/21 02:30 | Sweden | animenewsnetwork.com | Tweet | | |
| Blameworthiness Meaning in Urdu | ...Urdu dictionary to check the Urdu meaning of English word. People often want to translate English words or phrases into Urdu. In addition to it, the knowledge about the origin, pronunciation, and synonyms of a word allows them to find similar words... | 19/01/21 02:27 | Pakistan | hamariweb.com | Tweet | | |
| Dairy's star billing in NZ economy | Importantly, dairy sector growth is supporting wage growth in regional New Zealand. "Dairy provides long-term stability for our communities. Export earnings translate to well-paying jobs, but also support farmers and dairy companies to purchase... | 19/01/21 01:55 | New Zealand | ruralnewsgroup.co.nz | Tweet | | |
| OLDWOMAN老熟妇 | ...professional structural engineers experienced in FRP design and AutoCAD detailers who translate requirements into shop drawings. Strongwell fabricates fiberglass structures at both the Bristol and Chatfield locations. Typical fabrications include... | 19/01/21 01:47 | China | kpbaobao.com | Tweet | | |
| Shilton: Mikko Lehtonen set for Toronto Maple Leafs debut | ...strength he'll get his minutes. We're looking for him to show that his game can translate seamlessly to this level," Keefe said of expectations for Lehtonen on Monday. "That's the greatest challenge for players like him is the nature of training... | 19/01/21 01:42 | Canada | tsn.ca | Tweet | | |
| 150 Leadership Quotes | "A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd." - Max Lucado 105. "Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality." - Warren Bennis 106. "As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who... | 19/01/21 01:21 | United States | parade.com | Tweet | | |
| ronakkotian's Profile | The main problem with the film is that it does feel more like a play than an actual movie. Some plays do not fully translate onto the big screen and this story feels like it belongs more towards the theatre than a cinema. Despite that issue, I... | 19/01/21 00:17 | United States | imdb.com | Tweet | | |
| Crawler Dozers Buyer's Guide | 3) Horsepower and weight Horsepower and operating weight are nowhere more important than in a dozer. That is because together they translate into oomph! How much oomph! a dozer can generate determines how much dirt or rock it can dislodge and... | 18/01/21 19:54 | United States | constructionequipmentguide.com | Tweet | | |
| 2016 South Korean political scandal | Machine translation like DeepL or Google Translate is a useful starting point for translations, but translators must revise ... text into the English Wikipedia. Do not translate text that appears unreliable or low-quality. If possible, verify the text... | 17/01/21 08:12 | United States | en.wikipedia.org | Tweet | | |
| van��⁷ | I refuse to clown myself with Google translate or Papago | 19/01/21 03:42 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Christina Riggs | @w_carruthers @BumbaughSolange @Sonia_Zak He hadn't gotten the message - American. He hadn't got the message - British. I think that's how it works. I have to translate myself when I speak to my poor mother! | 19/01/21 03:39 | Italy | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Femi�� | To be clear: Yes, I will be 100% merciless when it comes to shoving the damage of Brexit in the faces of anyone who used a national platform to facilitate Brexit (e.g. politicians, journalist). But my treatment of them DOES NOT translate to how we should treat regular voters. | 19/01/21 03:33 | United Kingdom | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| KATIE | There's a "translate" button for Taylor and Bedris conversation on Facebook. Wild | 19/01/21 03:12 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Sadab Kitatta | For long @NRMOnline has called Luweero its political Mecca but it didn't translate into service delivery. After 35yrs, the "Mecca" fell, giving @HEBobiwine 70.45% of the vote while @KagutaMuseveni picked 27.94% https://t.co/fLTtPrwhI9 | 19/01/21 03:05 | Uganda | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Bilgin | When your are a Turkish fan and beg Thai fans to translate their moments :')) #MaxTul make people connect all over the world love them forever #พฤติการณ์ที่ตายEP9 | 19/01/21 03:02 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Maxann | @runakeiVT Also, thanks google for helping me translate this tweet as always x3 | 19/01/21 02:56 | Croatia | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| ���� | @ufovakisasi @SelcukSportsHD1 THANK YOU MAN IT TRANSLATE TO CHOCOLATE 😭😭😭 | 19/01/21 02:51 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| NSA/CSS | The expectation of an NSA Language Analyst isn't that they're going to sit in the corner and translate. The core of the job really is *analysis* in the foreign language. Learn more: https://t.co/mQMuVP474v | 19/01/21 02:44 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Dila Azman ���� | "kau cakap macam kau ada sana je masa dyeorang tengah training" bila translate melayu, lagi best vibe perli dia tu 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 https://t.co/3iBe4NYZ4u | 19/01/21 02:34 | Indonesia | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| DERPY | Yall are being too kind on me. Give me more letters to translate come on!!! https://t.co/oA1iG5aeJn | 19/01/21 02:29 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Natalia Rodrigues | Graças ao google translate hoje eu mando emails de trabalho em espanhol aparentemente inteligível. Até parece que eu sei o que estou falando, ao invés de estar escrevendo tudo em outra língua numa caixinha e mandando a tradução torcendo pra não ter nenhuma bobagem absurda | 19/01/21 02:29 | Brazil | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Esra | Abi buradaki teşekkürler onu sorduğun için cümlesi imali teşekkür elin brezilyalisi gelip yanlış anlıyor translate yaparak bu cevaptan nefret ettim demiş sjsjsjjsjsjs | 19/01/21 02:26 | Turkey | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| keci | @LarsAFCA39 @Fenerbahce I can translate for you if you want but I'm sure you will understand🙃 https://t.co/Xsi506rWy8 | 19/01/21 02:19 | Turkey | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| ataa | Translate Indonesia Acceptance Speech (Epik High ft. B.I) Thank you @syh_bae for providing full english translation. This translation is referenced from @syh_bae , @rendezwoous , Genius lyric, Color Coded, and Bugs Please dm for mistrans❤ ACCEPTANCE SPEECH FT BI #EpikHighIsHere https://t.co/Dd7NNPYLct | 19/01/21 02:16 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| jee | @_lepecheur_ @subtanyarl translate aja teh wkwk | 19/01/21 02:14 | Indonesia | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| 黒狐 | f=0;w=550;draw=_=>{f||createCanvas(w,w);n oStroke();background(0,9);e=2;while(e--){ g=1-2*e;t=5;while(t--){i=min(f%w,100);whi le(i--){fill(0,i*3,w);translate(e*w+g*100*(t+1),e*w+g*(25+i*5));rotate(i *.21);u=max(2*(f%w-90-i),0);rect(u-4,-2,8 ,4);resetMatrix()}}}f++} #つぶやきProcessing https://t.co/ADlxf0S5bC | 19/01/21 02:09 | Japan | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| VirginiaStateUniversity | Today's MLK panel discussion "Fly, Run, Walk, Crawl: Moving Forward Toward Social Justice" tackles social injustice mirroring Dr. King's philosophy and ideologies and how they translate in today's time and social justice movements. #VSUExcellence 🧡💙 https://t.co/Kc2ckbPVxN | 19/01/21 02:05 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Signum University | Learning how to read and interpret ancient texts can be a fun and rewarding experience. The new Translation Club from Signum Academy helps kids and teens develop and practice language translation skills. https://t.co/kVjzd2yqqQ #SignumAcademy #clubs #translate https://t.co/OzK9FTEhFw | 19/01/21 02:05 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| 秌場聖治 | イギリス、新型コロナワクチン「80歳以上」と「介護施設入居者」の半分以上が少なくと も1回の接種を終えた、と発表。一方でNHS(公的医療サービス)の病院にはこれまでで 最も多い3万7475人の新型コロナ患者が入院。ハンコック保健相によれば「30秒に1 人が入院している」状態です。 Translate Tweet | 19/01/21 02:03 | United Kingdom | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| C_C_This_Cris | @OpenFCPS2020 @fairfaxhealth I started with a simple question, you cited CDC "guidelines". I questioned how a high infection rate would translate to opening safely, you with inaccurate representation of your own cited materials. Now it sounds like you are projecting some other qualm related to politics... | 19/01/21 01:55 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| �� | wish i could translate faster..the way he speaks about singing is so insprirational tbh...he is so wise and again through this live i realized why he is viewed as a role model for so many juniors😭baekhyun is really amazing | 19/01/21 01:54 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Zoran Pandiloski �������� | @jaymeemilli @TPSOperations @TorontoPolice Constitution and Charter of Rights and freedoms is beyond me, you, any official and prime minister. My op2is only time when you can interfere with that is act of war, period. Otherwise you give open door to anyone in office to translate it in their own favor. | 19/01/21 01:53 | Canada | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| ray | @binniedimpIes well sial is damn but can me translate to unlucky situation too, for example, " kau bawa sial" which mean " you bring unlucky". but that a harsh word and babi = pig, yet malaysian use that for curse in daily life like "you drive so fast", they said "kau bawa laju gila babi" | 19/01/21 01:40 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| so rock it. | @yorubapalava @thisistifa_ @GbengaMA @iamtberry @dyorlar_ @Fa_teeemah @joinClubhouse e jor, this conversation is very needed in the Nigerian community as a whole. please encourage people to speak yoruenglish. or yoruba & translate to english if they can. a lot of people need this info | 19/01/21 01:34 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Archie Bradley | GRACIAS @losphillies !!! Va a ser un año para recordar!! VAMOS!! (thank you @Google translate haha) | 19/01/21 00:30 | Spain | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Kathryn Renta | For the record, "will be able to trust," does not automatically translate to, "accept everything without question." We learned at least that much. #AfterTrump | 19/01/21 00:19 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| �� sad im going to play games | i don't there is any room for romantic relationships in fkbu and every relationship shown on screen was pushed forward with some kind of background intent that.... didn't translate well to the audience | 18/01/21 23:50 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Poetry Translation Centre | Translate Kazakh poet Akberen Yelgezek Online workshop 6:30pm Tues Jan 19 Yelgezek's poems are filled with strikingly surrealist expressions. Join poet @shotscarecrow & translator Assiya Issemberdiyeva for this session Pay What You Want https://t.co/1pKADTxmtW @KazakhEmbassyUK https://t.co/ZxOJUwzx36 | 18/01/21 23:00 | United Kingdom | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Students on Ice | Learn about Inuit sewing techniques with elder, educator, SOI alum, and master seamstress Annie Petaulassie. Please turn on Closed Captions in ENGLISH to translate this interview! Watch here: https://t.co/G15YISaQLF https://t.co/GLVFnU9ceV | 18/01/21 22:29 | Canada | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Zack Luttrell | The Cam era was the most fun, entertaining, & best era of Panthers football (IMO). It didn't always translate to wins, but there was always hope (b/c of his skill) & engagement (b/c of his charisma). No one will ever have the Cam drip, but #4 has the skill to provide that hope | 18/01/21 22:00 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| LisaThornton | The pope video doesn't translate to what the subtitles say!! 😕 sorry guys should have had it checked before I posted! | 18/01/21 21:58 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| TRANSLATINY �� | @ATEEZofficial 🔊 TRANSLATE 🔊 [#JONGHO] This is a photo I took when it was snowing last week ❄💙 #ATEEZ #에이티즈 https://t.co/M1gj5xzFj1 | 18/01/21 19:57 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Bennett The Sage | Duolingo: In Italian, cuore means heart, and teste means mind Me: OK DL: So how would you translate "Out of sight, out of mind"? Me: Uh, Lontano dagli occhi, lontanto dagli mente? DL: That would be "dal cuore" Me: But you just said cuore means- *is hit with a wooden spoon* | 18/01/21 19:55 | Guatemala | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Has Avrat | Two Syrian brothers were severely beaten & nearly lynched in Bayraklı, İzmir, all allegedly due to a noise complaint. The brothers, having learned Turkish, were visiting their Syrian neighbour to help translate & resolve a dispute with a Turkish neighbour. https://t.co/pJTmeJZBxu | 18/01/21 19:46 | Turkey | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Mohini Gupta | Come one, come all - and translate some poetry! (No prior knowledge of language required) | 18/01/21 18:57 | India | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| JameSMASTER | What videos you want me to post? 你最想我發什麼樣的貼文? どんな動画を投稿してほしいですか?(Google Translate) 어떤 동영상을 게시할까요? (Google Translate) Remember to RETWEET to more people so that your choice can be the no.1😉 多人轉推才可以令你的選項變第一喔 | 18/01/21 01:44 | Hong Kong | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Waking Up from the American Dream | Something we always hear about, because Americans love this shit, is that immigrant children often translate for their parents. I began doing this as a little girl, because I lost my accent, dumb luck, and because I was adorable in the way that... | 19/01/21 03:04 | United States | latestcommentary.com | Tweet | | |
| Marcela Reyes reveló la edad de su nuevo novio | org/1999/xlink"><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke="none" stroke-width="1″><g fill="#000000″ transform="translate(-511.000000, -20.000000)"><g><path d="M556.869,30.41 C554.814,30.41 553.148,32.076 553.148,34.131 C553.148,36.186 554.814,37.852... | 19/01/21 02:32 | Spain | 1lockers.net | Tweet | | |
| Stanford Seed Jobs 2021 | ...the leader's business. The successful candidate will have responsibility to: Translate the intensive curriculum of value chain operations, accounting, strategy/ organizational design, finance, marketing, governance and other related fields... | 19/01/21 02:26 | Ghana | joblistghana.com | Tweet | | |
| Halford to remain with Shrimpers | "I was always confident in the ability that I had, it was just whether or not I was able to translate that inside a month to be able to warrant being given another contract. "I'm really pleased and thankful to the manager and coaching staff for... | 19/01/21 02:13 | United Kingdom | yellowad.co.uk | Tweet | | |
| Dracula – We've Got (Back) Issues | ...screen thanks to a string of thrillers that correctly suggested he was born to translate Dracula to the screen, but sometimes the film feels too much like we're watching a filmed play instead of a motion picture and feels fairly constrained... | 19/01/21 01:51 | United Kingdom | wevegotbackissues.co.uk | Tweet | | |
| Teleworkers in need invent virtual journeys | Others go out for a bit of a bike ride, or put on their sneakers for a stroll around the area. Because time saved on journeys doesn't just translate into extra minutes of leisure or more sleep time. According to a study from October 2020, 35% of... | 19/01/21 01:36 | United States | world-today-news.com | Tweet | | |
| Best Top 5 English Dutch Dictionary Apps | ...access it later. 5) Dutch – English Translator You can translate any sentence from Dutch to English and English to Dutch. You can also translate from the clipboard. This app is very useful if you are traveling to the Netherlands or the United... | 18/01/21 19:47 | United States | npxp.com | Tweet | | |
| Best Top 6 English to French Dictionary | ...words and phrases. You can learn words more easily with example sentences. You can translate English to French or from French to English with this app. You can even listen to your own translations. 5) Oxford French Dictionary It is acclaimed by... | 18/01/21 18:23 | United States | npxp.com | Tweet | | |
| Build a CLI with Node.js | ...of your index.js : const translate = require('[@vitalets/google-translate-api](http://twitter.com/vitalets/google- translate... log("Enter tran --help to get started.\n") return; }translate(sentence, {to: language}).then(res => {console.log("\n" + "\n"... | 18/01/21 18:03 | Tonga | dev.to | Tweet | | |
| A Review Of More information | When I feel like I can't rely on my brain a hundred%, Ludwig definitely comes in useful. It can make me translate and proofread more rapidly and my output more trusted.|As it seems, when people and macaques concentrate on the exact same activity... | 18/01/21 15:41 | United States | daltonpsvxy.bloguetechno.com | Tweet | | |
Discussions | 50 new results | |
| Какие сигареты предпочитаете? | ...the UN, single near come around happy lone moreover become aware of themselves translate unwieldy, spine-chilling intercontinental be devoted to notes. Come headed for our singles night intended for your epoch classify popular your area. However... | 19/01/21 03:23 | Ukraine | chinacar.kiev.ua | Tweet | | |
| Question About Spanish dubs | Unfortunately the Spanish subtitles don't match. I think this is often the case as the subtitles are meant to more accurately translate what's being said, while the dubs are made to match the lips better. My question is: does having to match up the... | 19/01/21 03:14 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Does this sub even have mods? | I'm just someone who has read a lot on the field over the years, and hopefully what I know and believe in will translate into a contender on the world stage, but we'll... | 19/01/21 02:40 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Revolution - Off Topic - Stray Fawn Community | ...french in the chat. He's not French. So I responded in french. We both used google translate. My other friend, Pear, was making fun of Froggee as a joke. And he started calling her the American . I start speaking German. Pear continues to joke... | 19/01/21 02:36 | United States | strayfawnstudio.com | Tweet | | |
| Translate Opera's into English? | My Dating Profile once said "I hate Opera & Brussel Sprouts", but my now wife has been playing Opera from Youtube and Spotify. She has passed along English translations of Latin, Italian and Greek opera singing. With that help, I am now enjoying... | 19/01/21 02:32 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Healthcare workers thinking of leaving patient care? | I've realized through my years in business that the skills I learned as a clinician translate amazingly well to business - multitasking, problem and project management, team leadership and mentoring, critical thinking, etc. Yet, there so many... | 19/01/21 02:30 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Can a part of something be equal to it? | One of the objectives of learning mathematics is to operate comfortably with the notation and definitions. It can distract if you try to translate mathematics into more ambiguous language... | 19/01/21 02:12 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| You know you well be broken | ...used to use the boxes around the pictures as weapons. They need to find a way to translate that to cinema as the movies are still missing some staple deadpool stuff. 4th wall breaking goes far beyond talking and looking at the camera in the comics... | 19/01/21 02:03 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Meet The Freak 33 | It was simple to enchant each book to talk to each other, and then to enchant each page to translate that into something a person could interact with and read. But that still left me doing the same enchantment forty-nine times. Simple, not easy. We... | 19/01/21 02:00 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| grading essays written with a dictionary? | ...started teaching in the days before google translate, and occasionally gave students a writing task in which they were ... checked "grading" and "marking" and "google translate", and can't find... | 19/01/21 01:52 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| £1000 Gaming PC | ...settings with few problems. i play quite competitively on overwatch, and id like to translate that competitiveness from console onto PC... | 19/01/21 01:44 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| New to Cubes | Also with me only playing commander, I've seen holes in the game I can fix but I dont think the fixes would translate in to other formats. Also the only thing my friends play is commander aswel so again moving formats doesn't seem to work for my... | 19/01/21 01:40 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| New DM Running CoS -- map help? | So the book comes with an insane amount of resources and I'm so excited, but I have what may be a stupid question. How do you translate the provided maps and such for battle mechanics/grids? We have a wet erase basic battle map, but the idea of... | 19/01/21 00:45 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Thoughts on gambling with this Seamaster | ...site. It is missing a crown, but I think it runs. I don't know Japanese, but Google translate suggests this means that: 大幅な時差は無いですが、リューズが無い状態です。 Any red flags? It is not too hard to get parts for cal. 501 correct? I plan to stop bidding at a point... | 18/01/21 18:37 | United States | omegaforums.net | Tweet | | |
| Need Suggestions for Songs to Translate | Hey guys I've started a blog: [CityPopper.com](https://CityPopper.com) I plan to translate virtually every untranslated City Pop song in it. You guys can help me out tons by telling me which songs would you like to have translated first! That way I... | 18/01/21 12:15 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
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