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| Why Alexei Navalny Returned to Russia and Putin's Clutches | ...assassinations of some others." A few days later, Navalny published phone recording on YouTube of him duping an FSB officer allegedly involved in the assasination attempt, Konstantin Kudryavtsev, into divulging how he'd tried to poison him. During... | 19/01/21 02:34 | United States | time.com | Tweet | | |
| New Eternals Promo Art Shows Off the Costumes | ...scope and scale, and, at the same time, the intimacy," she told Margaret Gardiner on YouTube. "They knew I wanted both, and they have been so incredible holding my hand through the entire process of allowing me to go as far as possible and as small... | 19/01/21 01:49 | United States | comicbook.com | Tweet | | |
| Jimmy Dore | What people on the left who cheer on censorship fail to realize is that the people in charge of doing the Censoring are never going to be people who share your politics. If this was the 60's, Youtube, Twitter & Facebook would be censoring MLK & Malcolm X for "inciting violence". https://t.co/Og9Y1mvxqE | 19/01/21 03:16 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Marques Brownlee | Betty White was born before The Internet Computers Email The microwave Post-it Notes Ford Model T Videos with color or sound The US National anthem Apple Google YouTube Facebook Instagram Amazon Sliced bread (literally) Protect her at all costs plz | 19/01/21 03:10 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Rodrigo Constantino | Como fica, a princípio, minha agenda, para quem quiser acompanhar meu trabalho ao vivo: Seg a sex: Opinião no Ar na RedeTV, 11:45 Seg a sex: 3em1 na Jovem Pan, 17h Ter e qui: Jornal da Manhã na Jovem Pan, 8:30 Seg e qua: Live TudoConsta, canal do Youtube: constantinorodrigo 🙌 | 19/01/21 02:43 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Grefg =) | Hoy subo mi canción oficial. Os revelo los artistas involucrados en ella. He trabajado con Zarcort y Piter-G durante semanas para crear una canción que cuente mi historia en este momento tan especial de mi carrera. 22:00 en mi canal de YouTube. Canción oficial "TheGrefg". 💛❤️ https://t.co/m9xyIj6S85 | 19/01/21 02:36 | Spain | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Stray Kids Charts ♕ | .@Stray_Kids #I_N "막내온탑" feat. #BangChan, #Changbin has surpassed 3 million views on Youtube in 3 days, being the fastest SKZ-PLAYER to reach this milestone. https://t.co/GEUp2SoCIV | 19/01/21 02:22 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Jordan | OUTRAGEOUS... Now @YouTube @TeamYouTube just REMOVED @StatusCoup & @JonFarina's Livestream reporting from PEACEFUL Virginia gun rights rally bc "we think it violates our firearms policy." HOW ARE JOURNALISTS SUPPOSED TO CHRONICLE HISTORY IF YOUTUBE-AND OTHERS-ARE OUTLAWING IT? https://t.co/PzD5EmR4MU | 19/01/21 02:13 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Pop Base | BLACKPINK's Jennie set a new record with her new channel becoming the fastest in YouTube history to hit 1 million subscribers (~7 hours). https://t.co/q609y5L6wO | 19/01/21 02:11 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Apex Legends News | BREAKING: The Japanese version on YouTube states Apex Legends is coming to Switch on February 2. "And on February 2nd, it will be possible to play on Switch at the same time as the start of Season 8!" https://t.co/63TpUn27Mx | 19/01/21 01:49 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| ʚ ୨୧ ������������ ୨୧ ɞ | Victorian Doll House 🏠 Extreme PC Mods Watch on Youtube: https://t.co/9lNyOyf5P8✨ Follow me on ig: @chellyries ✨ #pc #rig #pink #mods #pcsetup https://t.co/4WwRZp3Rsk | 17/01/21 02:52 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| The Regime Retaliates | ...United States from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and even Spotify and TikTok. However, as political editor of ABC News... I was one of those voices. After years of bans from YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, PayPal, Venmo, Airbnb, Uber, CashApp, I... | 19/01/21 01:55 | United States | amren.com | Tweet | | |
Discussions | 10 new results | |
| TRUMP發功啦! 喺香港嘅大家可唔可以跟貼啲?!?? | 雖然我哋而家做唔到啲乜嘢, 但希望大家集氣, 用自己嘅方式去為Trump Trump, 美國軍隊同埋佢嘅團隊加油要相信正義必勝 大家唔可以再靠香港嘅媒體去接收信息去subscribe 中國觀察 嘅YOUTUBE CHANNEL 緊貼美國最新形勢 實時新聞 https://youtu.be/pNXTbAzTI84 https://youtu.be/bwZ5holntAc | 19/01/21 09:46 | China | lihkg.com | Tweet | | |
| çocuklarını vegan besleyen aile | video youtube'de gezerken gördüğüm bu videodaki vegan çift çocuklarıni kendi beslenme tarzlarıyla yetiştiriyorlar. veganlık bir tercihtir. çocukların zihinsel ve bedensel... | 19/01/21 03:39 | Turkey | eksisozluk.com | Tweet | | |
| Game of Alts | Multiboxing Explained | ...me to start tuning it out. Oh, and make sure that you can hear your alarms over youtube or whatnot. Learn your hotkeys. Most players only need to learn 13, and it will dramatically improve execution. Active boxes are clients that require a lot of... | 19/01/21 01:17 | United States | forums.eveonline.com | Tweet | | |
| 6.8 Western | ny kaliber från Winchester/Browning | ...lite "onödiga", om man ska uttrycka sig oförsiktigt. Men efter en del läsande och Youtube-tittande om 6.8 Western så väcktes mitt intresse då det är ett litet kliv upp från 6,5 PRC men ändå med klart hanterbar rekyl. Och till skillnad från 270 WSM... | 18/01/21 21:03 | Sweden | jaktsidan.se | Tweet | | |
| Dude Perfect metal detector battles | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09Z9tbJLk CE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9bX7EkM vrA These guys on youtube are pretty entertaining and they did a couple of metal detector "battles" with AT pros. I thought they were pretty fun to watch so I thought... | 18/01/21 17:47 | United States | metaldetectingforum.com | Tweet | | |
| diy/ - Honing a straight razor - Do It Yourself - 4chan | It's a bit better than before but still not as good as it was. Saw some dude on YouTube reset a bevel and hone to HHT with one of those $10k Japanese storms in like 50 passes. What am I doing wrong? I read that the Norton doesn't cut as fast as... | 18/01/21 15:59 | United States | 4chan.org | Tweet | | |
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