
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

You’ve been gifted 40+ issues of EXTRA! from the Old Farmer’s Almanac

Special 2021 Sale
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The Old Farmer's Almanac, Founded in 1792
You’ve been gifted—unlimited online library access—with your Charter Membership in
The Old Farmer’s Almanac Best Value Club!
Claim your instant online library access to 40+ issues of The Old Farmer’s Almanac EXTRA! when you activate your Charter Membership at 57% Off!
The Old Farmer's Almanac 1921 Edition, The Old Farmer's Almanac 1821 Edition, EXTRA! Magazine, 2021 Weather Calendar, The Old Farmer's Almanac 2021 Classic Paperback Edition
Dear Almanac Lover,

You’ve been selected to receive a special gift when you accept our invitation to join The Old Farmer’s Almanac Best Value Club today. That’s on top of all the great items that come with your membership. Just look at what you get to prepare for the new year ahead:
  • The Old Farmer’s Almanac 2021 Edition—Our newest edition, this hardcover version has everything you’ve come to expect from the world’s premier Almanac—forecasts, folklore, and more.
  • The Old Farmer’s Almanac 2021 Weather Wall Calendar— Mother Nature puts on spectacular shows around the world, and we’ve captured some of the most amazing weather moments for you in our Weather Watcher’s Calendar. Each month also features a key event in history, from devastating storms to peculiar weather. 
  • The Old Farmer’s Almanac 1821 digestTake a trip down memory lane and see what one of our early Almanacs looked like! It’s a time capsule of life 200 years ago!
  • The Old Farmer’s Almanac 1921 digestAnother classic Almanac, this takes you back a century: Compare the content then and now!
  • The Old Farmer’s Almanac EXTRA! Our monthly digital magazine features articles and other content you won’t find in the print edition, so you’ll always be up-to-date on the latest Almanacky topics.
  • BONUS: Complete access to our ever-growing EXTRA! digital library, with more than 50 issues!
Get full access to everything under the Sun, including the Moon, weather, vegetable and flower gardening, folklore, nature, home remedies, and more—with your Old Farmer’s Almanac Best Value Club Charter Membership!
Introducing The Old Farmer’s Almanac Best Value Club Charter Membership! This new and exciting club is designed especially for you—and it’s packed with articles, advice, best days, facts, and fun that you cannot get anywhere else! Your Charter Membership gives you all the elements of a true almanac—a “calendar of the heavens” and a “time capsule of the year.” And when you join now, you save 57% on your new Charter Membership!
Since 1792—in fact, every day since!—The Old Farmer’s Almanac has been trusted and enjoyed by folks from all walks of life: people who grow their own food depend on the planting dates; home cooks, gardeners, and folks hungry for something quick and delicious love the recipes; just about everybody checks on the Moon phases and sunrise and set times … as well as the weather forecasts … to know what to expect on any given day, week, month, or season.
With The Old Farmer’s Almanac Best Value Club Charter Membership, you’ll have content that is both useful and humorous. You’ll discover quirky facts, timeless adages and advice, amusing quotes and profound proverbs, contests, Anecdotes and Pleasantries, Best Days to do things (from fishing to weaning from planting to setting eggs, for example), and so much more!
Your Charter Membership gives you everything that you’ve come to expect and depend on in an Almanac—valuable and accurate content and advice. In fact, fulfillment of readers’ expectations has made our Almanac the best-known and most sought-after Almanac for generations.
Did you know? The Old Farmer’s Almanac is the oldest continuously published periodical in North America! We got started with this valuable content in 1792—when George Washington was president and the U.S. Post Office Department was first established . . . and we’ve been at it ever since then, for 227 years!
Save 57% with a Charter Membership in The Old Farmer’s Almanac Best Value Club!
The Old Farmer's Almanac 1921 Edition, The Old Farmer's Almanac 1821 Edition, EXTRA! Magazine, 2021 Weather Calendar, The Old Farmer's Almanac 2021 Hardcover Collector's Edition
Get Your Special Pass—Access to the World's Most Beloved Almanac!
Save 57% when you claim your Old Farmer’s Almanac Best Value Club Charter Membership—become a Charter Member today!
Yes! Sign me up now!
People always ask how and why our Almanac has lasted—and continues to be a best seller. The answer is simple: We stay true to the original mission of founder Robert B. Thomas, who declared in an early edition, “Our main endeavour is to be useful, with a pleasant degree of humor.”
We believe that, especially in today’s trying times, finding humor and enjoyment in daily life is important and can be uplifting, and we hope you like our light-hearted fun and find the joy in chuckling at our witty and inspiring words.
This will make you smile, too: Every edition of The Old Farmer’s Almanac is fresh, new, and designed to make the year one of the best ever. How do we do that? With entertaining and informative articles. We look ahead at the expected trends in areas from food and housing to pet care and leisure time pursuits. 

The Old Farmer’s Almanac covers a lot of ground—so you can feel well-traveled and well-read even from your own favorite chair. Regale friends and family with insights into both astrology and astronomy; livestock and pets; food and folklore; nature and weather. You’ll turn to the Almanac again and again—because each time you open it, you’re bound to find something new! 
Plus, the Almanac’s easy-to-follow charts, maps, and photos help you map out the upcoming year in a way that’s easy to understand and use. Those Calendar, Weather, and Reference sections are clearly marked for a reason—you’ll turn to them again and again as the year goes on!
An Old Farmer’s Almanac Best Value Club Charter Membership will deliver exciting rewards for you—and for a special introductory rate, 57% Off right now—to all new Charter Members.
When you join today, you’ll ensure that you get the latest details about Almanac events and forecasts—and you’ll enjoy all these benefits:
  • Your best garden ever—Almanac gardening advice, planting dates, time-saving tips, and detailed guidance from experts will get you growing like never before.
  • You’ll know in advance about every important astronomical event in 2021—when they’re happening, where in the sky, and the details and delights of each one.
  • You’ll have access to the world’s best source of Almanac content—from astronomy and weather to anniversaries and milestone dates; from important (and little known) holidays and religious events to traditional days in calendar folklore.
  • You’ll save time and money when you follow all the practical advice and tips that we deliver to you about everything from gardening to food preparation and cooking.
  • You’ll be a weather expert in your family and circle of friends—no one else you know will have the detailed knowledge about forecasting and weather that you’ll have . . . and for every region of the country!

What are you waiting for? Our Special Membership Offer is in effect for you right now! Save 57% off a new Charter Membership!
No other Almanac has so many fun and fascinating facts, timely and accurate events and predictions, and topical and useful articles all in one place for your easy access and use—and covering more regions of North America than any other almanac or resource!
Save 57% with a Charter Membership in The Old Farmer’s Almanac Best Value Club!
The Old Farmer's Almanac 1921 Edition, The Old Farmer's Almanac 1821 Edition, EXTRA! Magazine, 2021 Weather Calendar, The Old Farmer's Almanac 2021 Hardcover Collector's Edition
Get Your Special Pass—Access to the World's Most Beloved Almanac!
Save 57% when you claim your Old Farmer’s Almanac Best Value Club Charter Membership—become a Charter Member today!
Yes! Sign me up now!
Why not join right now?
Gardeners, weather and sky watchers, and nature lovers everywhere have been enjoying The Old Farmer’s Almanac for generations, and now it’s easier than ever for YOU to experience it all with an Old Farmer’s Almanac Best Value Club Charter Membership at a special introductory rate for new members.

When we created this new club for folks like you, we wanted to make it easy to use, easy to order, and packed with content and value—that’s why we named it the “Best Value Club”! The Almanac is the ultimate resource for gardening, astronomy, folklore, nature, and more, and now it can be all yours with your Old Farmer’s Almanac Best Value Club Charter Membership.
Special Introductory Offer is Now in Effect! You Save 57%!

Special limited-time Charter Membership offer for you right now!

When you respond today, you’ll be among a select group of Almanac friends to take advantage of this special Charter Membership offer.

Activate your Charter Membership in The Old Farmer’s Almanac Best Value Club today, and you’ll get access to unique almanac content that you can’t find anywhere else—plus unlimited access to our online library of Almanac EXTRA!—with 40+ issues!

Join other weather and astronomy watchers, gardeners, nature and food lovers, and trivia fans—for half-off when you respond today!
This is a limited-time offer that you should take advantage of right now.
Why not be among the first—gardeners in your neighborhood; weather and astronomy watchers under the Sun; cooks in your community; trivia fans in your circle; nature-lovers in your area—to join us today and benefit from all the valuable Almanac information that you simply cannot get anywhere else?
Become an Old Farmer’s Almanac Best Value Club Charter Member today—while this special offer lasts!
Janice Stillman
Editor, The Old Farmer’s Almanac
P.S. You should act now to claim your Charter Membership in The Old Farmer’s Almanac Best Value Club and receive your gift right away—you can start reading all those great Almanac EXTRA! issues today!
Save 57% with a Charter Membership in The Old Farmer’s Almanac Best Value Club!
The Old Farmer's Almanac 1921 Edition, The Old Farmer's Almanac 1821 Edition, EXTRA! Magazine, 2021 Weather Calendar, The Old Farmer's Almanac 2021 Hardcover Collector's Edition
Get Your Special Pass—Access to the World's Most Beloved Almanac!
Save 57% when you claim your Old Farmer’s Almanac Best Value Club Charter Membership—become a Charter Member today!
Yes! Sign me up now!
We reserve the right to substitute items based on availability. 
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