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| だーす@三世 | 学園イベントが発表される中、『桜確定セット』購入応援企画を実施します‼️ ▼応募期間 今 〜 4/3(土)20:00 ▼参加方法 フォロー&いいね&RT ▼景品 ギフトカード2000円分(iTunes or Google) ※当選は1名 嘘じゃないですからね(●´ー`●) お気軽にリプなども下さいっ✨ #パズドラ #プレゼント企画 https://t.co/dogjsglihu | 01/04/21 20:12 | Japan | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Among Us - The Airship out now! | - accounts aren't working on Google Play (GoogleAuthNoToken and LinkAccountFail) - otherwise, issues w/ authentication failure is a result of server overload, hang tight! Lots of ppl! - if u get stuck in place after a meeting, open and close the Settings menu and u should be free | 01/04/21 03:27 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Among Us - The Airship out now! | ALRIGHT BUG FIXES LOL LET'S GO - shaky lobbies: turn off vsync (workin on fix) - Google auth not working (workin on it) - iOS shadows funny (just submitted a fix) - EU servers having a tough time (prob overloaded) | 01/04/21 02:53 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| haru | eu te odeio png falso nas imagens do google te odeio | 31/03/21 22:36 | Japan | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| dan | Famous comedian Jerry Seinfeld went on a rant about how disgusting it is that Matt Gaetz (38) was allegedly in a relationship with a 17 year old. Google "Jerry Seinfeld 17 38" for the story! | 31/03/21 22:33 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Théo | j'y pense (le jour où mon employeur va chercher mon @ sur Google et tomber sur les faux screens racistes) https://t.co/BO18BGuoxY | 31/03/21 19:20 | France | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Today in Pokémon History by Serebii.net | On this day in 2014, 7 years ago, a Google Maps April Fools project went live. This project had you hunt down over 150 Pokémon across the world in Google Maps. Its concept was then spun off into Pokémon GO. https://t.co/DE6k9GnidA | 31/03/21 19:01 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| gladyth | @ratkingratking @TheGlitchyVA @dreamonluly @v4mpgrI no look google signed https://t.co/9ORuIDMuxh | 31/03/21 14:09 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| 真の金持ちは「中小企業のオーナー」であると知ったときの話。 | Books&Apps | ... 「差別化できていない」 などと思っていただければ良いと思う。 読者諸兄のイメ ージ通りだ。 GoogleやAppleのような、唯一無二の企業が儲かるのはよく分かる。 しかし、「経営者が 儲けたい」だけであれば、唯一無二である必要も、大企業である ... く抑えることが重要になる。 総合商社のように「平均給与1500万」、あるいはGoogleのように、「平均給与3000万」というわけにはいかない。 したがって、これで富む のは、ほぼオーナー社長のみ。 社員やアルバイトの生活は、特に豊かというわ... | 01/04/21 06:21 | Japan | blog.tinect.jp | Tweet | | |
| Googleから「重大なセキュリティ通知」というメールが届く → 中身を確認したら血の気が二度引いた | ...Google先生から「重大なセキュリティ通知」という見るからにヤバそうなメールが届いていたのだ 。 恐る恐る中身を確認してみると、 「誰かがGoogle以外のアプリからあなたのアカウントにログインしようとした」とサラリと書いてある。幸 い、Google ... くことにした。 まずは何がどうヤバいことになっているのかを調査。Googleのサポートによれば、どうやらGoogleアカウントの管理画面から状況を確認できるようだ。HPに書いてある通り「セキュリティ 」から「最近のセキュリティ関連のアクティビティ」に... | 01/04/21 05:03 | Japan | rocketnews24.com | Tweet | | |
| Cultural Marxism – how it explains everything | ...Marxism out of hand as a far-right and anti-semitic conspiracy theory. The first google search result will warn you of this. The Guardian will tell you that Cultural Marxism is mad and bad, but the Guardian also helpfully traces the theory's roots... | 31/03/21 15:00 | United Kingdom | going-postal.com | Tweet | | |
| Aan Kauthar Bouchallikht | ...gisteren in NRC Handelsblad. Valt best mee, meid. We hebben in dit land allemaal Google, dus het is helemaal niet nodig dat jij gaat uitleggen dat de Moslimbroederschap van de hele wereld een kalifaat wil maken, waar niet de burgerlijke... | 31/03/21 12:16 | Netherlands | briefjevanjan.nl | Tweet | | |
Discussions | 10 new results | |
| Shot on OnePlus April | Yellow | And again, it's never settle. Additional Reading The amazing compression app: YaImCo Google Cam Ports for OnePlus phones The Rule of Thirds HOWTO - Upload photos (browser version) Last month's thread Photography Tutorials Link Collection by @script... | 01/04/21 14:00 | United States | forums.oneplus.net | Tweet | | |
| 📢📢📢 THE AIRSHIP ARRIVED! - Airship Update Megathread | ...meaning, for instance, that the DLC you bought on Steam doesn't transfer over to Google Play). These will be added later. People can still play without accounts, but they'll play in "guest mode": they will be assigned random usernames and have to... | 01/04/21 02:03 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| OnePlus Watch Deep Dive and FAQ | ...heart rate every second. Why can I not find the OnePlus Health app on Google Play? It will become available on Google Play shortly before the watch goes on sale, so keep an eye out soon. Will it connect with any Bluetooth headphones or only with... | 31/03/21 21:00 | United States | forums.oneplus.net | Tweet | | |
| Baby girl name - sister for Calliope | ...for a girl but I'm not sure the two names go together very well. I did a little Google and (I assume because of the Greek connection) Ophelia came up as an option. I absolutely love it, and think it would be a perfect sibling match and similar to... | 31/03/21 18:19 | United Kingdom | mumsnet.com | Tweet | | |
| r/Stocks Daily Discussion Wednesday - Mar 31, 2021 | ...ers) - Global news If you have a basic question, for example "what is EPS," then google "investopedia EPS" and click the investopedia article on it; do this for everything until you have a more in depth question or just want to share what you... | 31/03/21 17:30 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Daily Simple Questions Thread - March 31, 2021 | ...rch?&restrict_sr=on) to your right, and if you didn't know, you can also use Google to search r/Fitness by using the limiter "site:reddit.com/r/fitness" after your search topic. Other good resources to check first are... | 31/03/21 17:00 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
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