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| Ulama Ini yang Tuntun Mike Tyson Mengenal Islam | Namun, ada satu nama yang paling berperan menjadikan sang petinju seorang mualaf dan mengenal Islam. Dia adalah Muhammad Siddeeq. Sebagaimana diwartakan Fox News, Siddeeq merupakan ulama Nation of Islam (organisasi Muslim kulit hitam di Amerika... | 01/02/21 10:00 | Indonesia | inews.id | Tweet | | |
| GOP urges Biden to meet on virus relief | " Portman and Deese were on CNN's "State of the Union," and Deese also was interviewed on NBC's "Meet the Press." Cassidy and Bernstein appeared on "Fox News Sunday" and Richmond was on CBS' "Face the... | 01/02/21 08:42 | United States | timesleader.com | Tweet | | |
| ツイッター社、バイデン氏に行った献金がトランプ氏の64倍に | ...heavily favored Biden over Trump ahead of 'priceless' ban https://t.co/Rd0gs8Yvnn — Fox News (@FoxNews) January 31, 2021 NPO「オープン・シークレッツ」のデータによると、バイデン氏の陣営に献金を行った 企業として高額順にブルームバーグ通信が首位、次いでリベラルな組織として知られるフュ ーチャー・フォワードUSAと続いている。 言論の自由が危機に=トランプ大統領.. . | 01/02/21 08:30 | Russia | jp.sputniknews.com | Tweet | | |
| Multichoice slashes decoder prices for a month | Some of the channels available include SuperSport Football, ROK 2, Telemundo, Fox, Davinci Learning and Africa News. Speaking at a virtual media briefing in Lagos, Chief Customer Officer, MultiChoice Nigeria, Martin Mabutho, explained that the... | 01/02/21 07:27 | Nigeria | vanguardngr.com | Tweet | | |
| White House plans to bypass national media | The president took questions from just five preselected reporters Monday, but Biden himself called on Fox News' Peter Doocy and also made some newsy comments to CNN's Kaitlan Collins after she bumped into him in a West Wing corridor. Between the... | 01/02/21 07:20 | United States | axios.com | Tweet | | |
| Behind the scenes at FOX 13 | SALT LAKE CITY — For National News Literacy Week, FOX 13 pulls back the curtain and show how news stories are created...from the very beginning. The evening shift at FOX 13 starts with an editorial call, now done over... | 01/02/21 00:15 | United States | fox13now.com | Tweet | | |
| Trump announces new impeachment legal defense team | The trial is scheduled to get underway on Feb. 9. Trump's previous impeachment team pulled out of the job, Fox News reported earlier Sunday, due to a mutual decision over the direction of the defense argument. Schoen, who specializes in civil... | 31/01/21 09:23 | United States | nypost.com | Tweet | | |
| Brett D. Gilman | WATCH: Stephen Miller Has a Fox News Meltdown Over Biden's Executive Orders https://t.co/8u6PzSn0Ws | 01/02/21 09:18 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Belkiss Obadia | Fox News Viewership Plummets: First Time Behind CNN And MSNBC In Two Decades lmao 😂 @FoxNews https://t.co/YjY5G6eXSX | 01/02/21 09:16 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| FoxNashville | 3 counties at this time have closed schools Monday for anticipated snow: Lewis, Overton and Clay counties. FOX 17 News is in a CODE RED weather alert. Go to https://t.co/nBAPushR1S for the latest closings and watch FOX 17 News @ 9pm. https://t.co/bQ0e0mU2qv | 01/02/21 08:57 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| madi | Just a CNN girl in a Fox News family, ya know? | 01/02/21 08:54 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Madashell | @UncvrngTheTruth Fox is not a news organization. It's a an entertainment organization with opinions. We need a fairness an truth in air time law. We need to stop Nazi propagandist. The UK doesn't allow fox on their air ways. | 01/02/21 08:50 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| HillReporter.com | WATCH: Stephen Miller Has a Fox News Meltdown Over Biden's Executive Orders https://t.co/CmTXmzUEiK | 01/02/21 08:48 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| InvisiBelle | Fox News is the enemy of truth, civility, democracy, integrity, the common good, and basic human decency. Rupert Murdoch is the immigrant who should have been deported. | 01/02/21 08:48 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| curlon@aol.com | #PrisonersAmongFirstVaccineRecipients Prisoners first the vaccine are due. Guantanamo is in that queue. Fox News, about this, Is thoroughly pissed. Truth is, vaccines protects guards too. #CovidVaccine | 01/02/21 08:42 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Uncovering The Truth | Skinhead Stephen Miller was hired by the WH because he knew how to "speak to Trump's base." In other words. Stephen knows the lingo of angry white supremacists and closeted Nazis. So of course, Fox News invited him on their show tonight to radicalize more Americans. Ban Fox News. | 01/02/21 08:42 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Corruption Runs Deep | @vankapro @thehill @VP If they don't want the vaccine, that's on them. But to actively interfere with the distribution of the vaccine has to be against the law. I'm quite frankly tired of their rights. They are out of control. Fox News, rightwing nuts in Congress, white supremacists all crying. | 01/02/21 08:25 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| kevin waterbury | American taxpayers have spent jaw-dropping amount on keeping 9/11 mastermind alive | Fox News https://t.co/OkLP6Et2pf | 01/02/21 08:19 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Tea Pain | "I'm not leaving this foxhole." He means "Fox-News-Hole." https://t.co/7Ouz50fbgj | 01/02/21 08:19 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| 2020 Hater | Fox "News" has to be held to account and every other #FreeSpeech so called mediums that are destroying common sense and logic. These are the consequences of ppl listening to quackery. Free speech is a danger to societies future. | 01/02/21 08:15 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| acitrep | @BruceIL @HowardKurtz @JonahDispatch Same. I watched Fox exclusively until the day in 2015 when they stopped covering any other GOP candidates' rallies except for trump. I dumped them that day and haven't looked back, but it's rich for two people on Fox News' payroll to constantly dump on the other nets. | 01/02/21 08:14 | Philippines | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Garth Mullins | In other news, fox submitting proposal for enhanced hen house security system https://t.co/ClOihnKFAy | 01/02/21 08:12 | Canada | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Kaitlan Collins | David Schoen, Trump's new impeachment attorney who has also represented Roger Stone, told Fox News he didn't think Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. https://t.co/P2cH8E9uwT | 01/02/21 08:08 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| The Daily Show | Who gets the Republican party in the Trump v. Fox News divorce? It's the trial of the century. https://t.co/Bk1zbRzqwv | 01/02/21 08:05 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Fareed Zakaria | Another mastermind: Roger Ailes. He created Fox as a vehicle that blurred news and opinion, facts and falsehoods. | 01/02/21 08:02 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Under Blue Management | My MAGA brother and his family have been sick with Covid symptoms and fevers for a week. They say it's just a cold and the flu. They won't get tested. I am staying away but WTF is wrong with people like this? They only watch Fox News. Think it's a hoax. | 01/02/21 07:49 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| The Institute for Universal Truth | @sylviejoslin @donwinslow The fairness doctrine, started 1949, policy that required broadcast licenses to both present controversial issues of public importance in a manner that was honest, equitable, and balanced.REPEALED in 1985 under REAGAN. THEN CAME FOX NEWS. BRING IT BACK! https://t.co/bkfS7xDZYf | 01/02/21 07:48 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| The Institute for Universal Truth | @donwinslow The fairness doctrine, started 1949, policy that required broadcast licenses to both present controversial issues of public importance in a manner that was honest, equitable, and balanced.REPEALED in 1985 under REAGAN. THEN CAME FOX NEWS. BRING IT BACK! https://t.co/bkfS7xDZYf | 01/02/21 07:47 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Ron Filipkowski | What a surprise. Trump's new lead counsel David Schoen is a frequent guest on Fox News, has represented Roger Stone and the Russian mafia, and has ties to Jeffrey Epstein. Checks all the boxes! https://t.co/hKg4PVH7l5 | 01/02/21 07:38 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Cassandra Fairbanks | She's boomer bait. She's young-ish and willing to dress like a hooker while spouting neocon talking points that she is fed so that she can get on Fox News for three minutes. https://t.co/JSzzUDXjhI | 01/02/21 07:33 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Secret Agent Number Six | To all of the Republican cocky-chomp dipshits that keep telling me that Fox News is entitled to their opinion: News is objective and fact based. It is not based on an opinion. | 01/02/21 07:32 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Compton Jay ✊✊✊ | This is why I love @briebriejoy.. She basically tells people off with such intellect, they don't even know they're being told off She basically told the CNN host he was full of s*** and that Fox News covers more Leftist topics than MSNBC and CNN.. https://t.co/U4V43NmYzB | 01/02/21 07:32 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Deenie | CNN Crank Brian Stelter Continues to Push for FOX News to be Removed from Airwaves -- And Bastardizes US Constitution in the Process (VIDEO) via @gatewaypundit https://t.co/zaTJliciQA | 01/02/21 07:30 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Addison James | @donwinslow comcast pays extra carriage fees to fox news that the other cable networks do not receive. We collectively pay to keep fox poisoning the minds of our citizens. Fox would survive without advertisers! | 01/02/21 07:30 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Rep. Guy Reschenthaler | TONIGHT AT 9PM: I will be joining @SteveHiltonx with breaking news. Tune in to the @NextRevFNC on Fox News at 9pm to see. | 01/02/21 07:30 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Lighter Shade of Brown | @washingtonpost Someone needs to tell @HawleyMO that adopting Fox News's brand of messaging doesn't work on all Americans. Conspiracy theories, nifty phrases, and insidious deep-seed-planting comes off as effectively as his "infamous wave to Capitol rioters". | 01/02/21 07:17 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Matt Carr | It's an essential Tory tactic to constantly set up targets to be smeared, blamed and attacked. It's why Patel was dogwhistling about asylum seekers, why the Mail is ranting about an EU 'mafia', why Andrew 'Fox News GB' Neill is recycling tired rightwing cliches about teachers | 01/02/21 07:08 | United Kingdom | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Jenni_Fromdabloc | @9NEWSNANCY Fox does not broadcast news. They broadcast opinion and propaganda. So boycotts should be carried out to stop the spread of fascism and tyranny. 🤷🏻♀️ | 01/02/21 07:08 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| wear a mask | Fox News and the other sedition insurrection channels will continually rip off the bandaid and prevent any type of healing to move forward in this country. Everyone saw the major drop in propaganda when DT was banned from SM. Now do Fox. | 01/02/21 06:59 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Patriot | 🤔🤔🤔Dr. Marc Siegel: Congressman tests positive after COVID vaccine – here's what this case tells us | Fox News https://t.co/TOGnY1lu6H | 01/02/21 06:51 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| LivePDDave | CNN Crank Brian Stelter Continues to Push for FOX News to be Removed from Airwaves -- And Bastardizes US Constitution in the Process (VIDEO) via @gatewaypundit https://t.co/DyqBByKa0n | 01/02/21 06:26 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| a Different Cat ⚡46 | @cryborg Fox News should change their name to the Fantasy Channel and move up the dial next to the home shopping network It's definitely not News | 01/02/21 06:19 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Michael. | RE: TONY DEANGELO #NYR Now, see... Those who do all their projecting about these silly political takes (because they can't turn off MSNBC, FOX News or CNN -- all one in the same)... they tried to make that DeAngelo thing POLITICAL, 1/5 | 01/02/21 05:58 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Jennifer Skeels Nelson | @jaketapper I said this when "vetting" the guards for the inauguration. I'll say I again: you can't have Fox News blaring 24/7 on bases, in mess halls, etc., and not expect the military to swallow it lock, stock, and barrel. | 01/02/21 04:56 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Brian O'Loughlin ❄ | @duty2warn @meow2438 There's a video of Kash Patel on Fox News saying he and Miller recently appointed over 100 advisors to the Pentagon. He was complaining about Lewandowski getting yanked. All appointments made in the last few months, should be reviewed. | 01/02/21 04:30 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| The Intellectualist | Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) claims Republicans no longer can communicate with the public due to social media bans. Nunes said this while he was speaking with Fox News, a national television network with reach into millions of U.S. homes. (video) https://t.co/JlPRdh3McG | 01/02/21 04:00 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Just Ms. | I have a problem with not being able to "swear" over a CB but Fox News can destroy our democracy. That's a fkin problem. I want EVERYONE more honest. Liars keep you lost. The truth tells you where you are so you can make correct decisions. I'm over the constant fkin lies. | 01/02/21 02:06 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Still I Rise! | @CMielock @nickkingphoto @LSJNews @LSJsports Oh and that rate is in accurate and it's not just a matter of dying from the virus, it's a matter of the life long health battles some have to suffer through because of the virus. Turn off fox news! You're in the negative brain cell range now. Seriously! | 01/02/21 01:50 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| New York GOP | WATCH: Chairman @NickLangworthy joined @JaniceDean last night on Fox News Justice with @JudgeJeanine to talk about the #CuomoCoverUp and costly failures of Andrew Cuomo. https://t.co/M4OCmjx5V2 | 01/02/21 00:20 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Why Are Senate Republicans Still Defending Trump? | ...or something. \nBut he said that on the day Fox News called the text: election for Joe Biden, like pretty much the \nmajority of the Fox News viewers fled Fox News text: and went to Newsmax. One American news that space.\nYeah, it's not it's not... | 01/02/21 10:01 | United States | toptrending.tv | Tweet | | |
| ...truck, flashing case of beer | Fox News | Aaron Rodgers confirms he was spotted riding in the back of pickup truck, flashing case of beer Fox NewsReacting to Aaron Rodgers being uncertain about his future with the Packers | KJZ ESPNReport: Rams made a run at Aaron Rodgers NBC SportsYes... | 01/02/21 09:46 | United States | balteenews.blogspot.com | Tweet | | |
| Second Amendment Foundation Expands Outreach | ...Science Fiction), TLC (The Learning Channel), TruTV, DirecTV, Fox News, Fox Business, CNN, MSNBC, The Weather Channel, One America News Network, CNBC, HLN, Bloomberg, Dish TV, the Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel. "We've actually seen our... | 01/02/21 07:12 | United States | armsvault.com | Tweet | | |
| What drove Obama into Iran's arms? | This is precisely what Iran has been developing and testing for years. Recently, on the Tucker Carlson Show on Fox News, there was an interview with a Chinese professor with political connections in China at the highest level, who claimed that... | 31/01/21 22:02 | Syria | johnmhummasti333455225.com | Tweet | | |
Discussions | 50 new results | |
| Biden Stimulus Package Announcement | ...of the package Mr. Biden is seeking, Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana said on "Fox News Sunday." The plan calls for $160 billion dollars for vaccine development and distribution and testing and tracing, and an unspecified amount for direct... | 02/02/21 03:03 | United States | talkelections.org | Tweet | | |
| I am forgotten... Television & Film 4chan | ...illegal in hawaii and she has connections to far-right Hindu group. She was on Fox News about 700 times during the Obama years talking about Obama needs to say that Islam is evil. >yang meme libertarian >Bernie yeah okay good, >Shane Smith ching... | 02/02/21 01:58 | United States | 4chan.org | Tweet | | |
| What do racist people watch on tv? | BET is pretty racist, but not in the traditional "only white people are racist" way. Most of my extended family that is extremely racist watch gameshows and Fox News and talk shit on any minorities. | 01/02/21 10:02 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Are my dad/aunt into Q or some other conspiracy? | Both my parents believe that the election was stolen, but my dad is much angrier about it. He only trusts Fox News, and I'm not sure if he still trusts them or thinks they're influenced too much by liberals. On some days, he'll spend hours... | 01/02/21 09:14 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Missing Man - Graham Hebert | The search continues for Graham[Fox 31 News - Graham Hebert](https://kdvr.com/news/local/no-o ne-is-giving-up-until-we-find-him-volunte ers-find-boot-in-search-for-missing-littl eton-man/) | 01/02/21 08:46 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Oh no, Where can I get more? | Metro and DailyMail are not good sources and are known to publish unreviewed studies. Metro is a celebrity gossip paper and the Mail is an extreme right paper (basically FOX news except more unbased) | 01/02/21 08:31 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| I tired of caring about politics | Thank you. I know lots of good people who votes in different ways. Politics just divide counties, friends and family. And propaganda "News" channels (Fox, CNN, all stations) are no help whatsoever. | 01/02/21 08:27 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| "Lol, Khazars don't control the media" - Insane person. | ...\- Khazar - FOX - Gail Berman, Rupert Murdoch Crypto Jew - MBS - Ronnessen \- Khazar - Daily News - Maxwell, real name Hoch ... Grey \- Khazar - 20th Century Fox - Sherry Lansing \- Khazar - News Corporation - Peter Chernin \- Khazar - Columbia... | 01/02/21 08:00 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
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