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| Band-Aid re-launches racially diverse bandages | Launched earlier this month, the company's new "OurTone" bandages come in three shades of brown, and are available at retailers nationwide, including Amazon and Target. The company's move comes nine months after it unveiled plans to come out with a... | 30/03/21 03:00 | United States | cbsnews.com | Tweet | | |
| Concerts Are Ready to Return. Are Workers? | Roadies go to theater, and there's none of that." The industry has lost workers to Amazon warehouses or to jobs delivering packages for UPS. Carpenters and electricians have taken up work with Home Depot or started their own companies. Mr. Gratton... | 29/03/21 19:00 | United States | wsj.com | Tweet | | |
| 【公式】IdentityV 第五人格 | \㊗第五人格 フォロワー80万人突破!/ 沢山の探偵様と出会えてとっても嬉しいなの! 皆様、本当にありがとうございますなの! 感謝の気持ちを込めてフォロー&本ツイートをRTしてくださった方の中から、抽選で8 0名様にAmazonギフト券2000円分をプレゼントなの! 〆:4/6 #IdentityV #第五人格 https://t.co/eHzRtWIKXo | 30/03/21 14:22 | Japan | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| soul nate | hi guys, just logging on to say i love to work in my job at amazon warehouse. my name is nape. i am 29.75 years existing. moving boxes is my favorite human pastime. i urinate frequently and always in the small white being known as toirlet. please do not give me the human rights! | 30/03/21 05:15 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Dan Price | Thread on how Amazon treats its workers Context: Amazon full-time warehouse employees make $31,200 a year. Jeff Bezos makes that every 12 seconds. Cost to give warehouse workers 2 weeks paid sick leave + pay bumps so they don't qualify for food stamps = 0.9% of Bezos' fortune | 30/03/21 01:58 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Merve Erabay | Üyeliğimin bulunduğu platformlar: Netflix, BluTV, Mubi, Bein Connect, Amazon Prime İzlemek istediğim filmin bulunduğu site: hdfilmcehennemi nokta com | 29/03/21 23:15 | Turkey | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| 原神(Genshin)公式 | \最終日/ Ver.1.4アップデート記念 #原神 みくじ! 第2弾 原神グッズやAmazonギフト券10000円分が当たるチャンス! ▼参加方法 ①@Genshin_7をフォロー ②本ツイートをRT ③その場で結果が届く 3月30日(火)23:59まで毎日チャレンジ ▼規約 https://t.co/By6tGQZYum #原神CP | 29/03/21 23:00 | Japan | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| メルペイ | / フォロー&RTで Amazonギフト券1,000円⁉️ \ #春のメルペイ応援還元 を記念して 10日間フォロー&RT企画も実施中🤤💗 今日は9日目🥺 3/31まで毎日抽選100名様に🎉 ①@merpay_official をフォロー ②この投稿をRT https://t.co/jH2oXlSWS9 この投稿の有効期限は 3/30 23:59分まで⌛ | 29/03/21 23:00 | Japan | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Bernie Sanders | My question for Amazon's Jeff Bezos is simple: When you have so much money, more money than can be spent in a million lifetimes, why are you trying so hard to defeat workers who are demanding decent pay and decent working conditions? https://t.co/SON0CVTgGP | 29/03/21 22:22 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| 【朗報】韓国最強の通販サイト「クーパン」、孫正義氏の手により日本上陸へ : IT速報 | ... 韓国はAmazonないんだろ 逆にAmazonある日本でそれに勝てるECサービスなんてできんのかよ 87: アシクロビル(庭) [HK] 2021/03/30(火) 10:50:48.55 ID:5LUg+TQ+0 いや、Amazonでいい ... 2021/03/30(火) 12:25:22.10 ID:kofuqSNt0 いや、Amazonでよくね? 416: ホスカルネット(茸) [CN] 2021/03/30(火) 12:26:28.95... | 30/03/21 16:10 | Japan | blog.livedoor.jp | Tweet | | |
| The Bee Explains: What Is Libertarianism? | It can be understood and appreciated by children, adults, and everyone in between! It's available on Amazon in print or ebook versions. A beautifully illustrated and delightful read for any time, but especially for Easter coming... | 30/03/21 00:22 | United States | babylonbee.com | Tweet | | |
| PHP Infiltrated with Backdoor Malware | ...uncommon. In March, for instance, researchers targeting internal applications for Amazon, Lyft, Slack and Zillow (among others) inside the npm public code repository — all of which exfiltrated sensitive information. The packages weaponized a... | 29/03/21 23:42 | United States | threatpost.com | Tweet | | |
| The Therapy-App Fantasy | The customer demographic coveted by direct-to-consumer start-ups was now conducting its work life over Zoom, buying its groceries over Amazon Prime — why shouldn't this logic apply to therapy? The tides of commerce are not new to the realm of... | 29/03/21 19:00 | United States | thecut.com | Tweet | | |
Discussions | 10 new results | |
| Amazon new warehouse robot. Technology 4chan | Anonymous Amazon new warehouse robot. 03/29/21(Mon)22:28:04 No.80900665 File: Screenshot_5.png (428 KB, 593x664) 428 KB PNG Amazon new warehouse robot. Anonymous 03/29/21(Mon)22:28:04 No.80900665... | 31/03/21 04:28 | United States | 4chan.org | Tweet | | |
| How do I ask my OH to pay me back? | A month or so ago I ordered some boots he wanted to get for his brother for his birthday. He doesn't have an Amazon account so I offered to order them on his behalf (they cost around £150) and to have them sent directly to him, my OH. The boots... | 29/03/21 23:49 | United Kingdom | mumsnet.com | Tweet | | |
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