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| Googleフォト容量無制限まもなく終了、Amazon Photosは乗り換え先として優秀か検証 | ... Googleフォトと比べ、価格がやや割高 ストレージ容量の追加は可能なのですが、その価格はGoogleフォト(Google One)と比べるとやや割高となっています。なお、3TB以降、Amazon Photosは年額払いのみ。Googleフォ ... Photosのほうが若干安く設定されていたのですが、Google Oneが大容量プランを半額に値下げしたため、大きく差が付いた形です。 Google One大容量ストレージが半額に値下げ。10TB以上のプランのみ とはいえ、Am azon... | 30/05/21 07:30 | Japan | news.livedoor.com | Tweet | | |
| Grupo Impresa em falência técnica | Números que são agravados pelo desinvestimento publicitário e pela transferência de uma fatia deste cada vez maior para as grandes plataformas online (Google, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon) e pela desconfiança do mercado publicitário relativamente... | 29/05/21 17:36 | Portugal | sol.sapo.pt | Tweet | | |
| Thiago Torres | Me corrijam se eu estiver errado, mas pelo que eu vi o UOL foi a única grande mídia que fez uma matéria sobre o caso do homem que perdeu o olho no Recife ontem, baleado pela PM. Pesquisando sobre o ocorrido no Google não achei nada do G1, Folha de São Paulo, R7, Estadão, CNN etc. | 30/05/21 20:43 | Brazil | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| ライブドアニュース | 【注意】Googleフォト、5月31日に無制限アップロード終了 https://t.co/N0v5PxQAbK 容量無制限で利用できたGoogleフォトですが、5月31日に無制限アップロードが終了し、6月からは高画質設定でも容量 をカウントするようになります。無料利用できるストレージは15GB。 https://t.co/lw37vIuliY | 30/05/21 19:45 | Japan | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| ライブドアニュース | 【公式が謝罪】YOASOBI「夜に駆ける」MV、YouTubeで視聴できない状態に https://t.co/5NkNLgQG7e 再生すると、「一部の視聴者にとって攻撃的または…」などと表示される。ユニット公式 は謝罪した上で、「Googleさんともお話合いしているので、見守ってていただけたら幸いです」とコメントした。 https://t.co/OrXfyT6Flb | 30/05/21 18:29 | Japan | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| YOASOBI | 「夜に駆ける」規制の件、ご心配をおかけして申し訳ありません。Googleさんともお話合いしているので、見守ってていただけたら幸いです。 ちなみにYOASOBIのMVはニコニコ動画やビリビリ動画にもあります☺︎ ▷ニコニコ https://t.co/XdW9KU5bjF ▷ビリビリ https://t.co/pju2D2P4pJ | 30/05/21 17:31 | Japan | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Mamta Sharma | Dear Parents, teachers and students we are conducting an online survey through Google form in respect of cancellation of class 12th Board examinations. Kindly fill all details correctly 🙏 https://t.co/F5g714lspH | 30/05/21 15:51 | India | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| brino | eu acho que passei todos limite hoje vi uma luz no ceu muito forte nunca vi igual antes coração acelerou mão começo a soar procurei no google "meteoro brasil" liguei pra minha mae quase chorando foi chegando mais perto era um helicóptero acompanhando a manifestação de hoje | 30/05/21 06:59 | Brazil | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| BlackySpeakz | Adding "Reddit" at the end of the Google search is a habit at this point. Lol. Anyone else | 30/05/21 03:05 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| pipi | no se olviden que a partir del 1 de junio las fotos que se suban a google fotos empiezan a contar en el almacenamiento de drive y ya deja de ser ilimitado/gratuito asi que hagan backup de nada!! | 29/05/21 22:35 | Argentina | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| R.k. | Here's a thread of free & modern powerpoint (and google slides) templates handpicked by me 🌞 Download links below 👇🏻 Enjoy! https://t.co/mMRnHalsDj | 29/05/21 18:58 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Using Fake Reviews to Find Dangerous Extensions | ...about extensions available from Google. Looking at the Google accounts that left positive reviews on both the now-defunct ... findings with Google and will update this story in the event they respond. Either way, Google somehow already detected all... | 30/05/21 00:47 | United States | krebsonsecurity.com | Tweet | | |
| Links 5/29/2021 | ...true: Most damning in newly unsealed evidence (1) Google's employees admitting there's almost no way NOT to provide your location to Google (2) Google designs its ecosystem for location data collection. "This doesn't sound like something we would... | 29/05/21 18:55 | United Kingdom | nakedcapitalism.com | Tweet | | |
| Googleが提供する無料のAI講座受けてみた 1時間で機械学習の基礎がわかる | ...しているのかを学んでいきます。GoogleはこれまでのITシステムよりもう一歩賢いことができるようなAI技術を目指していると 話しています。GmailやGoogle フォトなど、GoogleのサービスにおいてAIがどのように使われているのか説明します ... テストが用意されています。 本講座ではAI、主に機械学習について学びました。GoogleのサービスでどのようにAIが使われているのかを知り、AIは身近なものであると再認識 しました。「機械学習」と聞くと難しく考えてしまいますが、事例が多く出される... | 29/05/21 09:00 | Anguilla | ledge.ai | Tweet | | |
Discussions | 10 new results | |
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| 2021 Italian GP: MotoGP Race Discussion | ...Podcasts](https://podcasts.apple.com/es/p odcast/motogp-2020-last-on-the-brakes/id1 504466576), [Google Podcasts](https://podcasts.google.com/fe ed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5hY2FzdC5jb20vcHVibG ljL3Nob3dzLzVlNTdlYWJhNTMzYzc2MWI1ODY4YWQ zNQ) &... | 30/05/21 19:30 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| vr/ - /CRT/ general - Retro Games - 4chan | ...>Try to be as detailed as possible when asking info on a specific model. As always, google is your friend, and we are your friends with benefits. Older archived threads aren't a bad place to look either. >Share appreciation for others choice of... | 30/05/21 12:59 | United States | 4chan.org | Tweet | | |
| Happening Politically Incorrect 4chan | jpg (260 KB, 750x747) 260 KB JPG HAPPENING 05/30/21(Sun)04:02:52 No.323831984 You can't turn off location tracking on android. Google made it impossible. /g/ mods are suppressing the story and delete every thread about it. Real article here... | 30/05/21 10:02 | United States | boards.4channel.org | Tweet | | |
| Careful while changing address with USPS | Make sure you are actually on the USPS website! The first four links after Google searching "change address" were scam copycats, I sleepily ran through the process on the wrong one that looks EXACTLY like the USPS site and now have to try and... | 29/05/21 21:07 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Porn Addiction Robot9001 4chan | ...up over time descending into full on degeneracy >Age 12: "boobs" and "vagina" on google images >Age 14: full length videos of sex on Xvideos and YouPorn >Age 18: BDSM, bondage, painal >Age 23: Traps -> sissy hypno -> forced feminization >Age 25... | 29/05/21 17:49 | United States | boards.4channel.org | Tweet | | |
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