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| SB19JOURNO | Djooky wag mo akong pahirapan sa articles ha? Labyoo. (EU market kasi si Djooky so Google Translate is our bestfriend). Kalkal articles na naman. I'm voting for #JustinDeDios in the finals of 100 Asian Heartthrobs 2021. #AHJustin #100AsianHeartthrobs2021 @SB19Official | 31/05/21 09:40 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| DandelionForYG | I don't speak Thai, so have to use Google translate (sometimes translations seem very suspicious tho 👀😄), but all the Thai accs I saw today showing their love for Yugyeom are so sweet 🤗🥰🌼💚 #AhgaseProudOfYugyeom #OurMaknaeYugyeom #Yugyeom @yugyeom #GOT7 @GOT7Official https://t.co/kK77gcoL9P | 31/05/21 02:40 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| g. ¦ XQ415234 in wf | do not interact with whatever is happening to k/stays. do not assume things based on twt auto translate, google translate, papago, or even if you're fluent. we don't know what's happening behind the scene. WE NEED TO UNITE. last 4 days 🙏😭 i am begging don't do this | 31/05/21 01:09 | Philippines | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| | Carat bagaimana cara mengembalikan pengaturan ponsel kalian agar bisa foto berkali-kali sesuka kalian ? Kenapa ponsel ku hanya bisa foto sekali saja dalam sebulan ? Jika ada salah kata maaf karena saya menggunakan google translate. - HJ [17s] https://t.co/pO12XBJDgw | 30/05/21 23:21 | Indonesia | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Noam Blum | Google translate does not do justice to this extremely colorful tweet. | 30/05/21 22:55 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Mehmet Hasan Bulut | "Osmanlı İmparatorluğu herhangi bir soykırım emri veremezdi; çünkü o zamanlar - 1915 ve 18 arası - askeri bir darbenin kurbanıydı." ( @MaurizioBlondet makalesi) (Google translate kullanarak okuyabilirsiniz.) https://t.co/oXnrS3tlR4 | 30/05/21 22:54 | Turkey | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| stephanie | Kalau kamu cari di Quora, kamu akan dapat hasil seperti ini dan di foto sebelahnya aku translate ke bahasa Indonesia pakai Google translator https://t.co/TWUPuuKP8V | 29/05/21 18:12 | Indonesia | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| [D] 釣果につながるネコリグの整理術 | ...釣り場でのタイムロスを減らす、 ネコリグ・マネジメントを紹介します。 notice : Please select your language and translate by "Google Translator"on the sidebar(or selectbox below).Thank you! 私のネコリグ収納術 皆さんこんにちは、ディープストリームのKenD (けんでぃ)です。 あまりライトリグを使ってこなかった私ですが、その中で最も多用しているのが "ネコリグ"。... | 31/05/21 15:00 | Japan | deeepstream.com | Tweet | | |
| Google, Amazon i Israel w Nowej Ameryce – REUNION 69 | ...wyłącznej kontroli nad danymi rządu Izraela na następne siedem lat. Tlumaczenie Sir Google Translate Ameryka zmienia się na naszych oczach. Ale Ministerstwo Finansów najwyraźniej nie zwróciło na to uwagi. W zeszłym tygodniu szef zakupów w Biurze... | 31/05/21 04:00 | Oman | dzismis.com | Tweet | | |
Discussions | 10 new results | |
| Forum thread: Exam day today | ...sadge :( 2021-05-31 07:15 1 reply #12 | NorthRussian What does this word mean? Google Translate doesn't translate it 2021-05-31... | 31/05/21 13:07 | United States | hltv.org | Tweet | | |
| Dúvida se a bike que estou querendo adquirir é boa | Na descrição da bike tem algumas coisas estranhas, parece que pegaram a descrição em inglês, jogaram no Google translate e colaram a tradução no site. Tá muito tabajara isso aí. Desconfie se o preço estiver muito abaixo do que é cobrado na maioria... | 31/05/21 10:29 | Brazil | pedal.com.br | Tweet | | |
| Франция, Испания (Страна Басков), Италия, Швейцария, осень 2019 • Форум Винского | Хозяева, которые жили тут же, в таком же смежном доме через стену, не говорили по-английски, а вместо Google Translate использовали какой-то локальный переводчик. В дополнение к этому, зная, что мы приехали из Хорватии, они переводили свои реплики... | 31/05/21 05:10 | Russia | forum.awd.ru | Tweet | | |
| CLI for Google Translate | My goal was to create a simple solution with 0 dependencies ( except the standard library :0 ) This is what I've done so far. Suggestions and pull requests are welcome :) [Repository!](https://github.com/GenaThe Crocodile/trans) | 31/05/21 00:16 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Yuzuru News and Updates | This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Thanks! Here's a schedule someone posted. Google Translate: Tomorrow 5/30 (Sun) Yuzu schedule 0 ~ 2: 30 SOI2021 Hachinohe (re) TBS2 12 ~ 15: 45 SOI2021 Special Edition TBS2... | 31/05/21 00:00 | United States | planethanyu.com | Tweet | | |
| Shingeki no Kyojin Anime & Manga 4chan | >> Anonymous 05/30/21(Sun)13:08:35 No.223113258 Anonymous 05/30/21(Sun)13:08:35 No.223113258 >>223113162 To be fair it's google translate. I don't know what he really said there | 30/05/21 19:08 | United States | 4chan.org | Tweet | | |
| Power Stars Low 2-c Upgrade | Apparently there's conflicting translations between what Blaze got and what we got in this thread. And while unreliable, Google Translate from my tests can't isolate the word "create" anywhere which might back the one posted here... | 30/05/21 15:51 | United States | vsbattles.com | Tweet | | |
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