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| Radikální pravice ve Spojených státech | Je to případ i postav mého dokumentu. Ti lidé už nejsou důležití, ale jejich myšlenky zaznívají v televizi Fox News každý den. I republikáni nebyli před několika lety ochotni říkat tak radikální věci jako teď. Myslím, že teď to mnohem víc... | 29/05/21 14:56 | Czech Republic | zpravy.aktualne.cz | Tweet | | |
| The Latest: Philippines stops workers from Saudi Arabia | The Republican governor's written order came two days after Kemp gave a preview in a Fox News Channel interview Wednesday, declaring: "The time for mandates is over." "We're not going to have a mask mandate for our kids," Kemp said. "Our teachers... | 29/05/21 13:36 | United States | srnnews.com | Tweet | | |
| The Latest: Afghanistan closes schools in Kabul, provinces | The Republican governor's written order came two days after Kemp gave a preview in a Fox News Channel interview Wednesday, declaring: "The time for mandates is over." "We're not going to have a mask mandate for our kids," Kemp said. "Our teachers... | 29/05/21 13:32 | United States | wqow.com | Tweet | | |
| The Latest: Philippines stops workers from Saudi Arabia | The Republican governor's written order came two days after Kemp gave a preview in a Fox News Channel interview Wednesday, declaring: "The time for mandates is over." "We're not going to have a mask mandate for our kids," Kemp said. "Our teachers... | 29/05/21 13:03 | United States | local10.com | Tweet | | |
| FOX NEWS: What to cook for Memorial Day | ...Latest Stories https://ift.tt/304tsem FOX NEWS: Coronavirus vaccine trial at Oxford University shows 'robust' immune system ... shows 'robust' immune system response" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/3hhSLzn Coronavirus in India Live Updates: Moderna... | 29/05/21 12:32 | Mali | viraltechynews.ml | Tweet | | |
| Байден заявил о завоевании Китаем США до 3035 года | По словам Байдена, китайский лидер уверен, что Китай до 3035 года станет обладать Америкой, поскольку автократии умеют быстро принимать решения. Телеканал Fox News предположил, что американский президент оговорился, имея в виду 2035 год. Байден... | 29/05/21 11:24 | Russia | m.lenta.ru | Tweet | | |
| The Latest: Afghanistan closes schools in Kabul, provinces | The Republican governor's written order came two days after Kemp gave a preview in a Fox News Channel interview Wednesday, declaring: "The time for mandates is over." "We're not going to have a mask mandate for our kids," Kemp said. "Our teachers... | 29/05/21 07:03 | United States | wtop.com | Tweet | | |
| Mental Health in Construction: Breaking the Stigma | That also means conversations around mental health are scarce—as Steve Fox, CEO of BAM Nuttall, told Construction News. "I think the fact [that] construction is a male-dominated industry highlights male-related issues. Men don't talk about this... | 28/05/21 04:13 | United States | rakenapp.com | Tweet | | |
| Pete Smithoons | @ipacglobal The Western Media, BBC, CNN, Al JAZEERA, Fox News, Sky News etc and their coordination in demonising China and others with fake new. https://t.co/nk1qrMGLcf | 29/05/21 17:35 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Tout_Mensonge_a_son_Fact_Checking | Le lien "vaccination" et "tuerie de masse" aux USA, avouez que vous n'y étiez pas préparé, hein ? Et c'est pourtant bien ce qu'un invité de la désormais incontournable (malheureusement) chaîne Fox News a fait 🙃 https://t.co/y1QV907q0F | 29/05/21 17:27 | France | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Julián Macías Tovar | Aznar es uno de los especialistas en articular redes con periodistas, no olvidemos que tras apoyar la guerra de Irak, NewsCorp (FOX NEWS) lo fichó como consejero. Por ejemplo su acto con las fundaciones Villacisneros y VyS, o su master en IADG: https://t.co/MJ1MwbIy6o https://t.co/c3uesR6K3n | 29/05/21 17:18 | Spain | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Grandma Bo | @chrislhayes She will be on Fox News crying about getting hate mail & death threats, bringing up her right to sell what she wants. After all it's a free country. Funny when ppl get called out for being mean & cruel, always bring up same old shit. Please, bet she says, cancel culture too!! | 29/05/21 16:59 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Marc van der Vegt | Fox News: Gain of Function...ERASMUS-Wuhan ! Net zo lang experimenten tot je een airborne virus als Influenca of SarsCov-2 hebt https://t.co/2JLE3ZmGLb https://t.co/stXjDzazky | 29/05/21 16:43 | Netherlands | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Paul Kearney | @Phat_Zorst @Scrabble817 @MartinRemains See it on FOX news/our news sometimes, They begin stories with. "People are saying" That's used to justify the agenda like its a harmless chat. What they don't say is, The only ppl saying it are their own pundits and supporters, Nobody knowledgeable about the issue is saying it. | 29/05/21 16:33 | United Kingdom | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| The Bias News | Fox News: More than 100 employees at Houston Methodist in Texas sue the hospital for requiring them to get vaccinated. | 29/05/21 16:02 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Om until serene | @RhonddaBryant @GBNEWS Tweets like this are the drip drip proof that politicians do do not serve or act in the best interests of their electorate, but for their corporate masters. Fox 'News' in US had a large part to play in the attack on the Capitol on January 6 2021 | 29/05/21 15:58 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| China Xinhua News | "Political right" in U.S. seeking to use origins of #COVID19 to push "agenda": Fox News Read more: https://t.co/Ta9xLdIdh9 #LetScienceSpeak https://t.co/fhAp9Y2Qyj | 29/05/21 15:41 | China | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| lilchiva | If 40% of the people working on COVID won't get the vaccine, what does that tell you? I never thought I'd find myself retweeting Tucker, but here we are. Somehow the shark has been jumped so hard by the other news networks that Fox now looks like a semi-credible source. | 29/05/21 15:18 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Sarah A1@Behind the Wall | They need this man in their lives, to 'help him' get to the bottom of exactly why he needed to stab over and over some girl in Iowa, that Fox News was reporting about. These media personalities, should have him spend his jail time with them, in their homes with their families. | 29/05/21 15:17 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) | By the way, if you're swarming the hotel Andy is at you are basically putting money into his pocket. This is what he does for a living. He'll be all over Fox news and drive donations and his victim narrative. | 29/05/21 15:08 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Dr. Christoph v. Gamm �� | ➡️➡️➡️ Dr. Anthony Fauci ist laut FOX News in abscheuliche Experimente verwickelt❗️❗️❗️ Dr. Faucis NIAID kaufte abgetrennte Köpfe abgetriebener Babys und verpflanzte ihre Skalps auf Laborratten. Monster sind real. Bald auch im TV deiner Nähe... ➡️➡️➡️ https://t.co/lixBaUtc61 | 29/05/21 14:11 | Germany | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Babymetal Family | Four weeks today! The countdown to Babymetal Budokan online stream *DEATH* I'll be with some kitsune friends to watch the show and celebrate the best band in the world! I hope the Fox God will have some news for us. Are you ready to Headbang!? @BABYMETAL_JAPAN #babymetalfamily https://t.co/L35iAEBPVv | 29/05/21 13:55 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Deenie | Leo Terrell calls Lori Lightfoot 'racist', 'embarrassing' for Black leader to discriminate - Fox News https://t.co/1anmmzYkGX | 29/05/21 13:49 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Kate �� | @BrianKempGA There is a reason even Fox News won't have you on their specials with the top governors in the country…you're an embarrassment and will be voted out bigly. | 29/05/21 13:49 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Iak Desire | FOX NEWS: Journalist says threat of license revocation cows doctors into performing gender transitions without confirmed diagnosis Journalist says threat of license revocation cows doctors into performing gender transitions without confirmed diagnosis J… https://t.co/KgnlBza95r https://t.co/283NgN61Zy | 29/05/21 13:35 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Umair Akbar | Las Vegas police ask for help IDing young boy found dead by hikers, 'victim of an obvious homicide' - Fox News https://t.co/2NKqx0Pb2w | 29/05/21 13:30 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Dr. JenLovesOBG | @BMeiselas @SykesCharlie So now it's up to @SykesCharlie @GeorgeWill @BillKristol @stuartpstevens et al to go on Fox News and spill all. Make a documentary. Write columns together. Never stop calling it out. It's the least they can do for all the shit they've done. | 29/05/21 13:24 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Jose Reyes | Phil Mickelson brushes off tough first round at Colonial: 'I won the PGA, so' - Fox News https://t.co/R0sjL4cCo3 | 29/05/21 13:22 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Graeme �� �������� | @SebGorka Fox News All vote counting paused simultaneously and from then on in the results changed from a Trump landslide to a Biden landslide. | 29/05/21 13:17 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Emily Andrews | @BlueVoterWA @RepDanCrenshaw @SenTomCotton Now Fox is advertising free access to them for all military on their cell phones. I just saw on Fox News while changing channels. | 29/05/21 13:16 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| The Daily Wire | Donna Brazile Out At Fox News, Joins ABC News As Contributor https://t.co/lbQQ6GTKWZ https://t.co/giF84zI8ps | 29/05/21 13:01 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| (崩玉) Crumbling Orb | Last I checked Biden is respectfully Biden and no one else MSNBC misses Bernie like Fox news misses Donald Trump | 29/05/21 12:49 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Bruce Schubert | More Fox News coverage: 🔥🔥 New footage shows UFOs swarming US Navy ship https://t.co/ucM0cieysO via @YouTube | 29/05/21 12:40 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Mike Gibbs��️�� | WHOA! I fell asleep. I wake up and this is on! I didn't even know I get Fox News! I didn't change the channel! Wtf? Has my brain been absorbing this shit while sleeping?! https://t.co/KJVOkHJI5Q | 29/05/21 12:29 | Canada | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| ��Pink13FEH | @TheyCallMeDoc1 About time they drain the swamp from Fox News it's time to fix stupid!😜😂😜😂😜 | 29/05/21 12:21 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| WeFight4Freedom | @EmeraldRobinson What about Sandra "Medusa" Smith👇? She gone yet? I wouldn't know because I haven't watched even a second of Fox news, CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC or any of that satan vomited bile since election night 2020. And I don't think I ever will again. https://t.co/0XpaS3U0Cv | 29/05/21 12:18 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Chad | just hit 600 followers - so glad i can finally call myself a twitter influencer. will be going on fox news to discuss my influential happenings. | 29/05/21 11:54 | Chad | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Neon Nettle | BREAKING: Donna Brazile out at Fox News, says "I've accomplished what I wanted" READ MORE: https://t.co/gZnqGQxK8F | 29/05/21 11:02 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| JC | @TheTNHoller Local Fox News for those interested. https://t.co/Iu75GTJFx5 | 29/05/21 10:07 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Doug Scott | @HillaryClinton #RupertMurdoch The Owner of Russian Propaganda spreading Fox News / NewsCorp...........Any Questions? #MurdochRoyalCommission #RupertMurdochisACancerToDemocracy https://t.co/AeWSeLszzp | 29/05/21 09:08 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| G Mall | @EmeraldRobinson @FoxNews isn't covering the audits. Not one word even on @TuckerCarlson or @seanhannity. Major points lost. No matter what you believe, they are still news. Be better Fox. | 29/05/21 07:14 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| �� ����✌��️���� �� | @highwayjill1 @RonFilipkowski Fox News, OAN, Newsmax = propaganda machines for the Orange Cheeto. All of them promoted the Orange grifter's Big Lie and these morons who watch these networks do not have the mental acuity to think for themselves. Their critical thinking is garbage. | 29/05/21 02:43 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Lilli Sawyer | Virginia parents group launches PAC to unseat school board members over reopening, race controversies - Fox News https://t.co/ChgZ4VpG1e | 28/05/21 23:40 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Lilli Sawyer | Virginia teacher says critical race theory has damaged community as frustrated parents demand changes - Fox News https://t.co/G2kIlAHEBk | 28/05/21 23:40 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Eclissi di luna (storta)������ | VI SIETE MAI CHIESTI PERCHÉ MIGLIAIA DI MEDICI, SCIENZIATI E OPERATORI SANITARI SONO CONTRARI AI "VACCINI" COVID? LA RISPOSTA È CONTENUTA NEL VIDEO ALLEGATO. Prima di vaccinarvi, vi consiglio di guardare con attenzione il video con l'intervista rilasciata a Fox-News ⬇️⬇️⬇️ | 28/05/21 22:51 | Italy | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| #FirstThem NEWS���� | "Middle America news" Sloane M Kinsey, sentenced to 7 years after throwing her baby down the stairs. The baby also had cocaine in it's system. WJW FOX 8 News Cleveland: Ohio woman admits to throwing months-old baby down steps. https://t.co/9LQh4Fy0JC #whiteonwhitecrime | 28/05/21 19:56 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Sasha Clarkson ��������������������������☮️������ | According to Cummings, @BorisJognson took more notice of a "stupid campaign" in the @Telegraph than he did of his advisors or the scientists. As Professor Wren-Lewis pints out, this is analogous to Trump's obsession with Fox News. https://t.co/LQRiQu0WTo https://t.co/WalsZL88LO | 28/05/21 19:33 | United Kingdom | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Grace(德農) | https://t.co/VXGEo2dfPq Pompeo says Wuhan lab leak 'covered up just like Chernobyl' 喜马拉雅德国慕尼黑感恩农场 Pompeo on Fox News: CCP knows that they covered this up in the same way | 28/05/21 01:58 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Politics and The War on Personal Identity | ...followed by another 4 days of watching only Fox News and other Conservative YouTube Channels. After watching both spectrums ... side. The tactics used by both CNN and Fox News elaborated on how the other side was a threat to the liberties and freedom... | 29/05/21 15:25 | United States | wainwrightmarina.medium.com | Tweet | | |
| Анонсы Lenta.Ru | ...КНР Си Цзиньпина в то, что США перейдут под власть Китая до 3035 года. Телеканал Fox News предположил, что американский президент оговорился, имея в виду 2035 год. Байден также добавил, что провел с Си Цзиньпином больше времени, чем остальные... | 29/05/21 14:25 | Russia | me-lenta.blogspot.com | Tweet | | |
| DIỄN ĐÀN TRÁI CHIỀU- TIN TỨC 29/5/2021 | ...tay vừa chạm phải một thứ gì rất dơ bẩn. Toàn thể TTDC im re dĩ nhiên, ngoại trừ Fox News tung tin này ra cho thiên hạ đọc cho …vui. Cái link dưới đây có khúc phim cho thấy rõ bà Kamala đang chùi tay vào quần. DÂN BIỂU GỐC VIỆT CHƯA ĐÁNH ĐÃ CHỊU... | 29/05/21 14:09 | Vietnam | tudofreedom.blogspot.com | Tweet | | |
| CÓMO CHUPAR UN CUCURUCHO DE NAPALM | ...decisiones en su lugar? ¿Los televidentes de Fox News? ¿Los políticos que esas personas eligen? ¿Tuiteros randómicos? ¿La ... should be making these decisions instead? Fox News viewers? The politicians they elect? Some randos on Twitter? The Queen... | 29/05/21 10:16 | Spain | restaurarg.blogspot.com | Tweet | | |
| The Latest: Philippines stops workers from Saudi Arabia | The Republican governor's written order came two days after Kemp gave a preview in a Fox News Channel interview Wednesday, declaring: "The time for mandates is over." "We're not going to have a mask mandate for our kids," Kemp said. "Our teachers... | 28/05/21 13:04 | United States | thinkpol.ca | Tweet | | |
Discussions | 50 new results | |
| Will you be watching GB News? | It starts on the 13th June and its been a lot of talk about it being a British Fox News I will be watching the first week just to give it a chance some of the presenters include Simon McCoy and Andrew Neil Not a fan of the others to be honest... | 29/05/21 16:07 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Why there are soo many communists on reddit? | ...many commies on reddit, not what commies are. I am not american, we don't have fox news and we as a post soviet country know what commies are. Also when someone cites manifesto, is a member of pro commie subs amd openly admits being one, then they... | 29/05/21 14:09 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| What do American conservatives wish to accomplish? | 60m+ people voted for Trump, Fox news most popular show has viewership of 2M. So, it seems only a tiny fraction of Trump voters (5-10%), watch fox news. Do all conservatives parrot neo nazi slogans? If not what % of republicans and... | 29/05/21 14:06 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Whats going on with Jon Venus? | ...more politically right and far-right. I see more and more pro Trump comments, pro Fox News, CNN haters, anti science, anti maskers, flat earthers, anti vaxxer, religious fundamentalists... wow all those comments on his social media profiles and he... | 29/05/21 13:40 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Jewish "not vaccinated" stars... WTF | Thank you for helping debunk [Fox News](https://www.businessinsider.com/study-w atching-fox-news-makes-you-less-informed- than-watching-no-news-at-all-2012-5) propaganda. You acknowledge there is... | 29/05/21 13:38 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Don't fear change. It's time. | Republicans essentially have one news outlet…..Fox. ABC,CBS,NBC,MSNBC,CNN are all in for Democrats. It's not remotely close to the same thing. | 29/05/21 13:38 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Trump works for Putin | ...never heard the information you're about to read on this page, you're probably a Fox News viewer. They keep vital information from you, to manipulate and brainwash you. Trump's businesses are full of dirty Russian money. The scandal is that it's... | 29/05/21 12:45 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| How was your day? | And all this sonofabitch can do is fucking eat, chain smoke, and smoke dope all goddamn day. Don't even get me STARTED on Fox News. I can't fucking stand those people anymore. I can't stand that fucking right wing network's whole deal. And it's... | 29/05/21 12:02 | United States | konachan.com | Tweet | | |
| Conservative Comics/creators Comics & Cartoons 4chan | ...No.123407592 Anonymous 05/29/21(Sat)04:17:31 No.123407592 >>123407577 stop listening to FOX news, none of this is real. recounting votes 6 times when they aren't even close and changing the rules to hope for a better outcome, is NOT auditing... | 29/05/21 10:17 | United States | 4chan.org | Tweet | | |
| What news shows do you watch? | ...leaning and wherein most major advertisers have stopped airing their commercials on Fox News, Fox really has started feeling like opposition media to me, and there's something almost intrinsically refreshing about that. I like Tucker Carlson's... | 29/05/21 03:16 | United States | thepoliticalforums.com | Tweet | | |
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