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| A matematika továbbra is rasszista | ...tervezi a tanigazgatás, hogy eltörli az emelt szintű matematikaoktatást - szemlézi a Fox News hírét az Alapjogokért Központ. A tervek szerint minden gyereknek egészen a tizenegyedik osztályig – ami a magyar középiskolai negyedik osztálynak felel... | 02/05/21 23:31 | Hungary | kuruc.info | Tweet | | |
| Pfizer testing single-pill 'cure' for COVID-19 | "You can hardly believe what anybody says anymore," Risch said in an interview in December with Fox News' Laura Ingraham. "We've lost 300,000 lives in the United States because our government has basic told everyone to go home, stay home, and if... | 02/05/21 19:48 | United States | wnd.com | Tweet | | |
| POLITICO Playbook: Trump tightens his grip on the GOP | " — Council of Economic Advisers Chair CECILIA ROUSE on "Fox News Sunday" on inflation fears: "We do expect some transitory ... inflation." — Sen. BILL CASSIDY (R-La.) on "Fox News Sunday" on Biden's infrastructure package: "When people say, 'Wait a... | 02/05/21 17:15 | United States | politico.com | Tweet | | |
| The Bias News | NEW: The United States denies reports of a prisoner swap deal with Iran that would have resulted in the release of $7B in frozen Iranian funds (Fox News). | 03/05/21 02:18 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| | Finally. Somebody calls it what it is. CNN's Jim Acosta Calls Fox News 'The Bulls**t Factory' via @forbes https://t.co/f4GaAhjZJR | 03/05/21 02:13 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| RedState | MIRACLE! FOX News Covers Election Fraud! -- TX AG Ken Paxton Describes How Cheating Democrats Almost Stole Texas in 2020 Like Georgia (VIDEO) https://t.co/1YmHIMj4gW via @gatewaypundit | 03/05/21 02:08 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Newsweek | Fox News host confronts GOP Sen. Cassidy over Trump tax cuts adding $1.5Tn to deficit https://t.co/hN9903c371 | 03/05/21 02:05 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Pat C in Central FL ☀️ | Fox News Has 'Parted Ways' with Anchor Who Trump Said Should Work at CNN - I don't watch Fox any more, but good riddance anyway to Leland Vittert, a whiny anti-Trumper. https://t.co/tFlX9ELxKI | 03/05/21 01:56 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| American.357 | FOX News Covers Election Fraud! -- TX AG Ken Paxton Describes How Cheating Democrats Almost Stole Texas in 2020 Like Georgia; Absolutely Questions 2020 Election (VIDEO) https://t.co/gLGA87SgE3 | 03/05/21 01:47 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| American Veteran | So in the recent past tucker CARRION suggests his cult attack those wearing masks and to call CPS on any parent who would have their child wear a mask. Here is a far better idea. FOX NEWS FIRE THIS RACIST, IDIOT. | 03/05/21 01:31 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Michelle | I stopped watching all cable news and network news over the past several months. Too much propaganda and not enough pushback. Chuck Todd and Fox News are two sides of the same coin. | 03/05/21 01:20 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Red | Sky Sports behaved like Fox News constantly inciting and inflamming as that increases viewership and then taking no responsibility when buildings get stormed. | 03/05/21 01:20 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Anthony | MIRACLE! FOX News Covers Election Fraud! — TX AG Ken Paxton Describes How Cheating Democrats Almost Stole Texas in 2020 Like Georgia... | 03/05/21 01:16 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| vince langman | LoL I just heard a so called Doctor on Fox News say once you get vaccinated you can go back to your pre-pandemic life🤣🤣🤣🤣 Hay doctor I've been living my life the same way before and during the pandemic because I never fell for the hoax of the millennium 🤣 https://t.co/jFe72qrAFW | 03/05/21 01:10 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Jeras Ikehorn | On Live Air- CNN Jim Acosta calls out Fox News as a dangerous Bullshit Factory: 'Lies can kill'! | 03/05/21 01:07 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Tomthunkit™ | Dr. Rachel Maddow drew a record 3.7 million viewers as she finished the first quarter of 2021 dominating Tucker Carlson and Fox News and finishing #1. Fox News has lost 30% of its audience. https://t.co/PLYZDSjJP8 05 | 03/05/21 01:02 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Frank Graves | CNN's Jim Acosta Calls Fox News 'The Bulls**t Factory' via @forbes https://t.co/YjZxqnLSYi | 03/05/21 00:59 | Canada | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Tomthunkit™ | Dr. Rachel Maddow drew a record 3.7 million viewers as she finished the first quarter of 2021 dominating Tucker Carlson and Fox News and finishing #1. Fox News has lost 30% of its audience. https://t.co/PLYZDSjJP8 01 | 03/05/21 00:47 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| American Veteran | So Michael Hiltzik took Tucker Carlson and Fix News to task in the LA Times. He spoke of carlson's lack of sponsors. Exactly what we said the other day. We have to get those paying for Fox News Cable to let their carrier know they are sick of supporting this racist clown | 03/05/21 00:46 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Bobs Dad* | Neville Carragher and their bosses #SKYSportsCrooks should hold their heads in shame today. They've allowed their platform to fan the flames and make the situation more incendiary than it needed to be. The mob wins, that's not right. #SKYSportsCrooks = Fox News. | 03/05/21 00:43 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Tim Hogan | If the directors, management and on-air personalities knew they were pushing Russian propaganda, they can and must be charged and if convicted serve long sentences. All Fox News assets must be seized as property used in the commission of a crime. Shut it down. @rupertmurdoch | 03/05/21 00:42 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Matt Negrin, HOST OF HARDBALL AT 7PM ON MSNBC | @atrupar Most people who know about misinformation think it's because of Fox News and maybe Facebook. They have no idea that they're exposed to bad faith every day on legitimate news platforms by media outlets deliberately trying to erase history so they can make Republicans look good | 03/05/21 00:42 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Donald J. Drumpf | Thanks for giving my Administration a grade "A" on Fox News this week! After I gave you Covid, I thought you'd hate me. | 03/05/21 00:37 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| dylan | Jim Acosta accurately described Fox News as "The Bullshit Factory." Fox News spews conspiracy theories, racism, sexism, defends Republican insurrection, defends DEATH when it comes to guns and coronavirus. It isn't a stretch to say Fox News gets people killed. Who's with me? | 03/05/21 00:35 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Michael Savage | FOX NEWS STEAL SAVAGE'S BOOK TITLE-SHAME ON YOU JESSE WATTERS https://t.co/vJiGiVp0jN | 03/05/21 00:33 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| tedfrank | "Those grapes were sour anyway." — Fox News https://t.co/4U9571kUIc | 03/05/21 00:06 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| PoliticsVideoChannel | Fox News host Chris Wallace called out GOP Sen. Bill Cassidy who is opposing Biden's child care bill: 'Children in Louisiana are in poverty': Thank you Chris Wallace | 03/05/21 00:06 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Cindy Arpiainen | @robreiner And fox news, the megaphone of insurrection needs to be held responsible for promoting the big lie | 03/05/21 00:01 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| 404_Not_Found | Fox News covered election fraud this morning. I have a feeling the normies are being prepped for what's coming. Listen to Ken Paxton talk about how they prevented [them] from stealing Texas. Maria: So are you questioning what happened in the 2020 election? Paxton: ABSOLUTELY https://t.co/ZF7i3Xw7mW | 02/05/21 23:57 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Michael DeLauzon | #New U.S. investigates suspected energy attack near White House. CBS News, Fox News, CNN and others | 02/05/21 23:44 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Howard ✡ | If Fox News, Newsmax and Republicans had been around in the time of polio and smallpox, we would still have rampant polio and smallpox. | 02/05/21 23:36 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Teresa “Joe, you know Trump won.” | Fox News covered election fraud this morning. Have a feeling the normies are being prepped for what's coming. Listen to Ken Paxton talk about how they prevented [them] from stealing Texas. Maria: "So are you questioning what happened in the 2020 election?" Paxton: ABSOLUTELY https://t.co/omAlf2CIHu | 02/05/21 23:35 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Lavern Spicer | Jim Acosta, on ANY given day I'm gonna believe Fox News over the network that terrified its viewers with a COVID death counter 24/7/365. | 02/05/21 23:34 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Patriota Ariana Wells️⛹️ | Rupert Murdoch's News UK have abandoned plans for a "Fox News style" channel in Britain after concluding it was not "commercially viable". Doubtless one factor will be the reluctance of respectable advertisers to support this kind of content. Time for rethink in the US too? | 02/05/21 23:26 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Hairball ️ #GOPisEvil | Now Maria Bartiromo of Fox News thinks doctors and scientists coming across the Mexican border is a secret Chinese plot. Why do republicans think everything they don't like is a secret Chinese plot? | 02/05/21 23:25 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Real Trump Tweets | Fox News covered election fraud this morning. Normies are being prepped for what's coming. Listen to Ken Paxton talk about how they prevented [them] from stealing Texas. Maria: "So are you questioning what happened in the 2020 election?" Paxton: "ABSOLUTELY" https://t.co/Bz7CFKObjO | 02/05/21 23:24 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Louis D. Thorpe | @TrueWordsRSpoke @itsJeffTiedrich When I listen to Fox News I feel like we are living in Nazi Germany. https://t.co/J053LElWiM Facts Count --> https://t.co/J053LElWiM ^ Reject propaganda... | 02/05/21 23:12 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Tina | @DWPippy @Stop_Trump20 FOX News has played a part in destroying my home. There are mentally ill individuals who hang on their every word. Have tried to scare me saying my paycheck will be cut, told me I would be assaulted by immigrants etc. Fear mongering wickedness which there is NO evidence for. | 02/05/21 23:08 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Jeffrey Levin | Jim Acosta Goes Off On The 'Bullshit Factory' That Is Fox News https://t.co/ITy7VmGrPo | 02/05/21 23:07 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| jdkahler | @DiscoTempoJazz @Amy_Siskind The cable issue is the millions of subscribers who are subsidizing Fox News Channel - the carry fees are all that keeps FNC going. Unbundle cable packages and FNC and the others would be dead, drowning in red ink. *This* is he problem, not "fairness doctrine" distraction. | 02/05/21 22:26 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Fred | . You misquoted him .. He NEVER said "Bullsh*t" He did however say Fox News was a "BULLSHIT FACTORY" just like that… on the air TWICE A BULLSHIT FACTORY it is for sure #FreshVoicesRise . | 02/05/21 22:12 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| SWCC Vet CJ | Ivy Leaguer Ted Cruz attended Kentucky Derby -- then told Fox News the GOP is a 'blue collar party' - Raw Story - Celebrating 17 Years of Independent Journalism https://t.co/jMxWdmrVaP | 02/05/21 19:02 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Michael Essentially | @heathergtv @Acosta From here on out, anytime I tweet out about Fox News, this logo will be attached as well. I encourage you all to do the same! https://t.co/6b3rfkSEoh | 02/05/21 18:43 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| eric d. | @ananavarro Someone once said that the USA cannot be destroyed from the outside but can be ruined from within. Seems like it's happening with GOP people, Fox News, QAnon, Anti Vaxxers, etc | 02/05/21 08:49 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Lorenzo | @kylegriffin1 Dominion Voting should have gotten some cash with that apology. Hitting Newsmax, OANN, and Fox News in the pocketbook is the only way they learn a lesson. @dominionvoting | 02/05/21 00:29 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| AlterNet | Scathing new ad torches 'radicalized' GOP and 'twisted people' on Fox News https://t.co/MNMJOTQAmg | 01/05/21 23:11 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| "Bullshit Factory Known As Fox News" | Today (5.2) CNN's Jim Acosta didn't lament the well-ingrained tendency at Fox News to report b.s. — rumor, heresay, invention, flat-out lies. For the first time in my recollection he called it " bullshit", and not once but twice (between... | 03/05/21 02:02 | United States | hollywood-elsewhere.com | Tweet | | |
| Senator Tim Scott Responds To 'Uncle Tim' Slur | According to the New York Post, the South Carolina Senator is blasting the left for having "nothing to do with ending prejudice." During his interview with Fox News' "Hannity" Thursday, he said all the criticism he faces is "saddening to see."... | 03/05/21 01:55 | United States | balleralert.com | Tweet | | |
| Woman Gives Birth Mid-Flight From Utah to Hawaii [WATCH] | ...more than 10 million times. Delta Air Lines confirmed to The Washington Post and Fox News that a baby was born while en route from Utah to Hawaii. No other information was made publicly available, including the mother's identity. The TikTok user who... | 03/05/21 01:53 | United States | heavy.com | Tweet | | |
| Republicans ramp up voter intimidation | Even worse, that could allow videos to be used by partisan propaganda outlets like Fox News to spread lies and slanders as they normally do. Maybe the formal slander industry itself could get involved to help make the democratic or minority voter's... | 03/05/21 00:31 | United States | dispol.blogspot.com | Tweet | | |
| The US Government's Debt-to-GDP Ratio Is Worse Than Greece's Before the 2008 Crash (And It's About... | His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times, MSN.com, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The... | 03/05/21 00:27 | Poland | activistpost.com | Tweet | | |
| The Culture War Election – inertia | The issue of abortion in America is dramatized and ramped up to a point where the debate is often described as "A battle for the soul of the nation." Fox News reacted to the legalisation of same sex marriage with the question, "Do we even live in... | 03/05/21 00:00 | United States | inertia.blog | Tweet | | |
| Cbs Amplifies Gop Wedge Issue | ...pull some books from their lists, which is something publishers do all the time. Fox News' Sean Hannity offered his viewers a handy reference guide: "They want to cancel, let's see, Dr. Seuss, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, Pepe le Pew…" "They?" You... | 02/05/21 23:14 | United States | mockpaperscissors.com | Tweet | | |
| JustAnotherOldGuy - Slashdot User | 5) Evolution is completely false, and he knows this "because he checked." 6) Hilary Clinton sold all our uranium to the Russians. (She didn't, even Fox News debunked this.) 7) The people who stormed the Capitol were antifa/BLM/socialists etc... | 01/05/21 18:44 | United States | slashdot.org | Tweet | | |
Discussions | 41 new results | |
| Update on community food drive! | ...WOULD BE VERY INTERESTED IN SUPPORTING HUNGRY BEAR. We're also working to get the news FOX 32, Univision, and CBS at the first Hungry Bear food pantry on May 10/11 T-shirt's are being designed and will be ready for the event We have an animation... | 03/05/21 01:20 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| I have never read something thats so true | Or just walk through a flea market once a week and ask everyone "is this real?". I wonder if listening to politicians counts, could I just have fox news or oann or something running in the background cranking out... | 03/05/21 01:18 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Safemoon Game Theory | The word Safemoon should be everywhere. On yahoo news posts, Fox News news posts. Financial stock news. Everywhere you can put that word.... do it. The problem is 1.5 million holders. The rest of the world doesn't know- or care. Make them curious. | 03/05/21 01:02 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| I'm making a warning. | I just wanted to tell you something that will happen. This isn't ending, Q maybe. But not what these people believe in, FOX News and the Republicans have been getting more "to their audience" with these people. They're not even trying to use... | 03/05/21 00:34 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Latest Threads | ...the GOP Jim Acosta tears into debunked Fox News 'nothingburger' (CNN) Latest Breaking News SpaceX returns 4 astronauts to ... Multimedia Jim Acosta tears into debunked Fox News 'nothingburger' (CNN) By ItsjustMe - 4 hrs ago Environment & Energy... | 03/05/21 00:18 | United States | democraticunderground.com | Tweet | | |
| Discussion Thread | I'm glad when I was in, politics was the type of thing that was in one ear and out the other. The only political opinion I had back then was "man fox news is stupid as shit" | 03/05/21 00:13 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| So that's disgusting | You stomp your feet about the rioting which by the way, you are grossly overestimating damages and destruction, helps to not watch fox news for your facts. I'd suggest you go back and take your US Government course from high school over again... | 02/05/21 23:56 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Here's come the airplane, open up! | But what are we supposed to do when half of Republicans have just committed believing whatever Fox News and Trump tell them, no matter the evidence, and never need to reflect on whether it's internally consistent or true? When Trump's attorneys can... | 02/05/21 23:45 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| First gay experience | Hot fucking Gays | 9 | Video language: English After the inauguration, Cade Maddox is waiting for Felix Fox to finish his shower to tell him the good news. After hearing he gets to stay with Cade as long as he likes, Felix climbs on the bed and Cade rips off his towel... | 02/05/21 21:54 | United States | pornsavant.com | Tweet | | |
| 39 year old Britney Spears has dementia? | Fox News Britney Spears' father Jamie claims singer has dementia in court docs: report Britney Spears' father Jamie has reportedly claimed that the pop star has dementia. Yes Britney has dementia No it's just a scam to control her money 0 voters | 02/05/21 21:00 | United States | forum.schizophrenia.com | Tweet | | |
| The New Trump? Easy. It's Tucker. | ...exhaustively parsed jeremiad against masks on his Fox News show on Monday night. "Your response when you see children... Carlson, who flattered him, got the time slot on Fox News that had belonged to Megyn Kelly, who feuded with Trump. And now?... | 02/05/21 16:45 | United States | classicalmusicguide.com | Tweet | | |
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