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| venice architecture biennale history | the architect as seismograph), the event sought to investigate an architect's ability to sense the contemporary condition of the time, and translate this into future designs. approximately 70 architects were invited to exhibit one of their projects... | 01/05/21 05:54 | Italy | designboom.com | Tweet | | |
| A Digital Library Outperforms a Traditional One | ...and the definition appears). Our digital content also provides access to Google Translate within the text so students have word's meaning at their fingertips instead of guessing with context clues. Finally, our digital database partners GALE and... | 01/05/21 05:51 | United States | edutopia.org | Tweet | | |
| The 12 convict terms Aussies still use | 'Vaux,' Skottowe had snapped from the bench, 'what does this witness mean when he says he saw the accused snatch a "grocery" from the victim? Translate, please.' 'A "grocery", your honour, is a copper coin - probably a halfpenny.' 'Then why... | 01/05/21 04:42 | Australia | dailymercury.com.au | Tweet | | |
| The 12 convict terms Aussies still use | 'Vaux,' Skottowe had snapped from the bench, 'what does this witness mean when he says he saw the accused snatch a "grocery" from the victim? Translate, please.' 'A "grocery", your honour, is a copper coin - probably a halfpenny.' 'Then why... | 01/05/21 04:31 | Australia | sunshinecoastdaily.com.au | Tweet | | |
| Florida's Anti-protest Bill | ...people can't protest on the sidewalk, in the street or on private property. This translate into, you can't protest. If someone does something violent, and you didn't, yet you are in the crowd, you can be arrested for the felony of rioting by... | 01/05/21 00:12 | United States | democraticunderground.com | Tweet | | |
| bia | the worst part is having to translate the birthday text i'm writing for jared to english. i don't feel secure enough to write it in english so i'm having to write it in portuguese first. | 01/05/21 07:12 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Victoria Hofferson ⚔️ | Do I have a linguist here who specifies in Nordic languages? Particularly Old Norse? 🤔 I'm in need of an assistance to translate some lyrics - welp, I did all of the translations, just need someone to either tell me it's utter bs or it's okay 😁 | 01/05/21 07:07 | Czech Republic | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Robert.N | I am willing to pay anyone who can translate in english, what the fuck is he saying!! https://t.co/H8gYyD62IW | 01/05/21 07:06 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Dangerous dilettante | I love hunsnet culture because it is so totally, unapologetically, and incomprehensibly British. Like, it's emblematic of our nation and never even tries to translate 🇬🇧 | 01/05/21 06:57 | United Kingdom | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Peli Grietzer | @evanewashington so i think there's a generic way to translate the non-analytic meaning into the analytic meaning by saying: when society believes in a fake thing, there are going to be some kind of fictionalist truths about it, and those are socially constructed truths | 01/05/21 06:55 | Germany | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Aric Toler | @Yelix Oh yeah that felt like some localization error, like someone just totally forgot to include it or translate a part about it, unless it's buried deep in some tutorial no one reads | 01/05/21 06:51 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Caitlin Johnstone ⏳ | Yes, anyone (racist platforms excluded) may translate, republish or reuse any or all of my work in any way they choose. https://t.co/itewJD1m6t | 01/05/21 06:46 | Australia | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Hanjo Girke | @jishyaku @ConceptualJames "Denying systemic racism is part of systemic racism" Translate: "Lets disqualify anyone who refutes systemic racism as the explanation to all evil by calling him a racist." What a dishonest unscientific argument to make. The outcome are echo chambers where criticism cant exist. | 01/05/21 06:45 | Germany | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| nana | Start Course For Free. Machine Translation in Python: Are you curious about the inner workings of the models that are behind products like Google Translate? https://t.co/Wmp3jLrmTL | 01/05/21 06:40 | Australia | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| abi | @okayalaina all you had to do was open google translate !! but no | 01/05/21 06:36 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Black♠️ | @itriedsoharrd @kafayiyecegim @oguzhanzata @rezaletiyisey Google translate düzeltmesi bu | 01/05/21 06:28 | Turkey | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Ayuda Han | If you translate "Jesus" from Hebrew to English, the correct translation is "Joshua". The name "Jesus" comes from translating the name from Hebrew, to Greek, to Latin, to English. @KissesDelavin #HappyBirthdayKI22ES | 01/05/21 06:18 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Edi☀️ | @Hjrxo @lievermoedanlui @a_mhlh @niemandhfttijd Kheb net google translate gepakt ze gaat prive | 01/05/21 06:05 | Macedonia | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Pancake | @TweaBR Ah yes thank you google for translating something in a way that doesn't translate it at all https://t.co/gIeaNyG9Bf | 01/05/21 06:02 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Elji’s rambling corner | Blazing Blade chapter names after several layers of Google Translate: (I included the original names and the maps themselves for reference) https://t.co/1w2GHB1koS | 01/05/21 06:01 | Brazil | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Bob the Fire Pigeon | @coherentstates And it's not just English. In Japanese where the words for breakfast, lunch, and dinner translate to morning rice, noon rice, and evening rice. Turns out when most people were poor farmers they mostly ate just starch. | 01/05/21 05:57 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Jeff Tomberlin | Let me translate - $4.5M for F4F!! Awesome job!!! La apuesta por proteína de insectos que une a Ibáñez, Luksic y Angelini https://t.co/v8cNyiCDyl | 01/05/21 05:55 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| GODSENT | @rickhellwalker @raymondautismo "Kakav na jelu takav na delu." Serbian saying, fuck how do I translate this lol... "The way you eat is the way you are." Something like that, hope you get my point | 01/05/21 05:46 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| ChristineCarpender❌❌ #BoomerRube✝️ | @themunnyshot @JesseKellyDC Nobody says racism doesn't exist. Nobody says that. The fact that racists exist does not translate into America is a racist nation. The Left perverts language & hopes nobody will notice. | 01/05/21 05:38 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| amna | anyways just remembered how i once got into a fight with a spanish exol who didnt know english and i ofc didnt know spanish but we still fought using "translate tweets" and ended up telling each other about our biases , mf really had the audacity to say "stop" on my 4th jk video | 01/05/21 05:35 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Derek | @sharonstout18 Yes, it is. Google Translate works very well for translating from Russian into English in general, according to my personal experience. | 01/05/21 05:24 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| A | when you translate spanish tweets that have jodie comer in them it becomes jodie eat | 01/05/21 05:22 | Germany | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Nasir | Does intelligence necessarily translate into good grades!? What about the majority of us whose parents aren't educated, how do we measure that? 🤔 | 01/05/21 05:21 | Ghana | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| tanveer Al-Rafidi | @PurifiedTruth @alsayf_ @AbdulZahraa_ I'm writing this with all my heart. May Allah bless everyone of you for the work you people have been doing to translate those Arabic books into English. Everytime when I read a tradition from thaqalayn library my heart gets happy. | 01/05/21 05:01 | Pakistan | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| ayam renang | @chunkyy_bar @AREAJULID Gak bisa ya belajar! Gaada guru buat belajar pake google translate. Susah amat hidup lu.. | 01/05/21 04:43 | Indonesia | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Irene Tosetti | @IndependantFree Yes it is true. Geneva university hospital in geneva switzerland. https://t.co/X6E3POjems you can translate the page from french i to english | 01/05/21 04:40 | Switzerland | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| mohammadaeeneh | #بورس_سپرتورمی بهتر نبود به جای سلب اعتماد سهامداران و هجوم نقدینگی به سمت رمزارزها، دلار و غیره به فکر مردم خودتان می بودید؟ شما مسئولین محترم را به آتش جهنم مژده میدهم بچشید که این است جزای هر مجرم خیانت کار... Translate Tweet 1:07 AM · May 1, 2021· | 01/05/21 04:38 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| زًِ | baguettes help translate pls https://t.co/58IXCNcRbP | 01/05/21 04:17 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Peter | @SarathoustraH Sara, Twitter does not show the translate button on your tweets anymore. However, I see the word math and I want you to know I'm so sorry. | 01/05/21 04:13 | Ireland | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| LeafSwan | ...@ZamArtist @GTSewell @TalithaKingArt @DeportedPhotog @Uzzi_fx @katecursed @slaveofsaturn @KatSheKittyBast @M1ssNft @CryptoPastel @tiffanyliu @NatalieShau @lanaeasteregg just use google translate | 01/05/21 04:11 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Alex Vorkov | A nice interview with "Hammer girl" Judi Matheson (AKA @judyjarvis) reminiscing on her career in film (with a focus on the #horrormovies of course). The article's in Spanish, but it's easy enough to click the "translate" button. https://t.co/RR6GYCYVnB | 01/05/21 04:10 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Harvard University | Scientists are launching an interdisciplinary project to listen to and translate the communication of sperm whales https://t.co/64BvXirWFn | 01/05/21 04:10 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| ✨Val✨ ミ Catch Me ☆ ♪ | TL;DR Messages that are rude (genuine or playful) don't translate well. It might be fun for the sender but it's not fun for the receiver. At best, it's annoying. At worst, it's extremely hurtful. You don't know how much the other person knows. Default to simple until you know. | 01/05/21 02:54 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Empire State Takeover | From @SelectEventsBB Live at the Nook: A name not many are familiar with outside of the Syracuse area... meet Alexa Kulakowski ⬇️ the @cnsgirlsbball2/@I90ELITE 2022 is 5'11", fluid at the wing, & a knockdown shooter with a smooth stroke. Should translate well to the next level https://t.co/kdOQlLuvq4 | 01/05/21 02:32 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Tina-てぃな. ❤️ | This is why I said "Perayas the most kind and sweet fandom I've known" Even if there's a language barrier and all, they gave everything to translate and deliver this room conversation... I freakin LOVE this family😭❤️❤️ #ClubhousexKS | 01/05/21 01:54 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| shipyarn dyes | #sk8theinfinity / #renga inspired yarn! Orchid Calendar I've been looking at a lot of Renga fanart from Japanese artists, and when I use twitter's "translate text" button, it translates their ship name to "Orchid Calendar" so I've started using it as their ship name in my head. https://t.co/kx87eYjdwx | 01/05/21 01:02 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Burgundywhirl | Here's the vod of me soloing the GM arms dealer. Can be useful if you want to see how to interact with GMs broadly, since the stuff you do to solo it translate well to doing it with friendship https://t.co/tsCC6FopNr | 01/05/21 00:25 | Canada | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| is’bhamu | Dating artistically inclined people is nice , watching them translate their feelings into their art...hearing those "babe I drew this for you" or "babe listen to this song it's about you" is such a great feeling , being someone's muse and watching them grow in their craft >> | 01/05/21 00:22 | United States | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Graduate Studies | Virtual Graduate Research Conference: Workshop, May 6th at 12:15 PM, "How to Translate Your Graduate Degree Into a Great Job." To Register for the conference and view the abstracts/program, etc, please register at: https://t.co/raOJP6FCU7 https://t.co/FGqd0tQHnS | 01/05/21 00:09 | Canada | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| Arena Idé | Together with @EPSUnions @FEPS_Europe @FES_Brussels and @FacketKommunal we arrange a conference on the experiences of #CareWorkers, and how to translate this into better care and better #WorkingConditions Join us on the 4 of May! Sign up here: https://t.co/DtwKWjS1za | 01/05/21 00:02 | Sweden | twitter.com | Tweet | | |
| How to Fix Twitch Error 3000 | What Is Twitch Error Code 3000? Twitch error code 3000 is a multimedia decoding error. It means a browser cannot properly translate the stream information, which results in something like an endless loading screen. Many users report the... | 01/05/21 07:05 | United States | online-tech-tips.com | Tweet | | |
| Aon Reports First Quarter 2021 Results | ...to $4.28, including a favorable impact of $0.18 per share if the Company were to translate prior year period results at current period foreign exchange rates ("foreign currency translation"), compared to $3.68 in the prior year period. Certain items... | 01/05/21 06:52 | United States | companynewshq.com | Tweet | | |
| 21 PS2 Classics You Can Play on PS Vita | FIFA 12 Sure, RPGs and shooters are staples of classic must-haves but don't forget about sports games as well. Thankfully, EA managed to translate almost every aspect from the console version to handheld. Right from first starting up the game, the... | 01/05/21 05:05 | United States | keengamer.com | Tweet | | |
| Terry Crews Demands Mother 3 Localization | ...3's release on the Game Boy Advance in 2006. While fans have taken the time to translate and mod ROMs of the game, the authentic game still resides only in Japan. Mother 4 Fan Project Renamed, Still in the Works While there tends to be a chorus... | 01/05/21 04:47 | United States | gamerant.com | Tweet | | |
| 360° Dog Walker Emerges as "Best in Class" | In fact, virtually all canine behavioral research confirms that fostering a dog's optimal physical health indeed does translate into a happier, calmer and more enjoyable canine companion! To learn more about 360° Dog Walker, log on to... | 01/05/21 04:34 | United States | abnewswire.com | Tweet | | |
| In Repair | Melvin had sent me the address in Mandarin and for some reason the internet was refusing to translate. The old woman, Ziplock bag clutched with both hands, turned to leave but had the kindness to stay and listen when I called out to her. She saw my... | 01/05/21 04:30 | Canada | voicemagazine.org | Tweet | | |
| New strings for the puppeteer of evolution | There are multiple ways that this question can be answered, and it is an exciting time to be studying how genetic programs of gene expression translate into the physical manifestations of development that form new tissue configurations. In studying... | 01/05/21 04:18 | United States | thenode.biologists.com | Tweet | | |
| WOOF! Washington Adds JUCO Big Langston Wilson | He dunks with authority whenever he's close to the rim and that skill looks like it will translate from the JUCO to the high D1 level. Many Husky fans I think will see similarities to Marquese Chriss who had a similar frame to Wilson and is the... | 01/05/21 04:07 | United States | uwdawgpound.com | Tweet | | |
| Feedback Loop is seeking a UX Designer in United States | ...methodology and will shape ours Good understanding of systems thinking and ability to translate complex systems into a simplified user experience Feedback Loop Feedback Loop is a venture-backed and growth-stage company based in New York, NY with a... | 01/05/21 01:00 | United States | coroflot.com | Tweet | | |
| tercüme for Dummies | The ways of Doing the job that he had realized at faculty didn't translate perfectly (= weren't acceptable) to the world... Search transitive transitively transitivity transitory translate translated translating translation tercüme bürosu... | 30/04/21 23:03 | Turkey | almancanoteronay05048.blogocial.com | Tweet | | |
| U.s. To Restrict Travel From India Amid Covid-19 Surge | ...partisanship and disagreement, on an issue that has become so divisive that compromise can translate to losing support from members on either side. The stakes couldn't be higher. In the wake of multiple killings of unarmed Black men and women at... | 30/04/21 02:28 | Indonesia | telegraf.id | Tweet | | |
| Making Money with YouTube Affiliate Marketing 2021 | What exactly is Youtube affiliate marketing? So, we're aware of the insane amount of hours people spend watching videos. But how does this translate into profits for those in front of the camera? Before we get into what affiliate marketing on... | 29/04/21 17:31 | Poland | voluum.com | Tweet | | |
Discussions | 50 new results | |
| Games that translate to real skills? | I'm not much of a gamer, I lose interest quickly in fiction for some reason (also applies to books, movies, a glitch with me) but games that translate to real skills appeal to me. Being able to play table tennis is an example, but can you guys... | 01/05/21 06:53 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| We Will Never Know When. But We Do Know Who | In sharing, please reference or cite this authorship. Thank you! There are file converters online that can translate the postings and eBooks I give away. Try pdf2go.com It is free to use online. If you are interested in receiving free eBooks that I... | 01/05/21 06:27 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Can I get some help with an important message? | ...and an endearing engraving on the back in hungarian. I don't want to use google translate, so I figured I'd ask you lovely folks if you know any hungarian endearments that would be good for a locket engraving?... | 01/05/21 06:20 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| The Bible Never Condemns Homosexuality | ...not lie the *lying downs of a woman* with a man, it is an abomination. And they translate 20:13 as: >"As for the man, who lies the *lying downs of a woman* with a male, they, both of them, have committed an abomination; they shall certainly be... | 01/05/21 06:16 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Daily Discussion Thread - Apr 30, 2021 | ...are totally different kinds of finger dexterity, so your 2H skills won't really translate at all to OH. That means you can pick whichever hand you want to start learning. Most righty cubers use their left hand because the algs have a lot of RU moves... | 01/05/21 05:25 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Played or Player? | ...offs, screens, and end arounds are fun to watch on Saturday but they almost never translate to the NFL game. Ditto for his "return ability" which is something I've been hearing about every corner and WR drafted for the last 20 years. Very few of... | 01/05/21 05:18 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Question about the game | Hello i am not a native english speaker, and this post was made by google translate gang. My question is will this game have dlcs thst require real money to buy them like d2, or is it a one time purchase for full game? Only started playing d2... | 01/05/21 05:12 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Please help me give my wife her favorite food! | It could be any day before Mother's Day, or the day of. My French is rotten, here's a bad translation, with a little help from Google Translate for some words, I hope it make sense. Bonjour Montréal! C'est Rick de Burlington, Vermont. Ma femme a... | 01/05/21 05:03 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Shadow Queen complete novel... | ...complete. I'll take anywhere I can find the full text, even if I have to use Google translate. People were discussing it online and comparing it to another story, so I know it exists. It's the same with Who Made Me A Princess and Actually, I Was The... | 01/05/21 04:59 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| What are these countries names? | It's an image so I can't copy+paste into google translate. What are these countries? Thanks very much. https://preview.redd.it/0dxy1geiidw61.pn g?width=429&format=png&auto=webp& amp;s=fcbaee28cae7064324b16f88723efa2288b 3ebed | 01/05/21 04:50 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| Suggestions on how to resume after a gap due to injury | ...what is now pretty much irrelevant experience that I have to figure out how to translate into supporting myself, as I don't want to sit on disability, though I could. My previous two careers were finance and law enforcement. I can't do either as... | 01/05/21 04:41 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| an old town cult and my story of Notre Cerf Bipède | the opposite bank of the swamp was covered in large, swaying quenouilles (google translate says they're cattails, but that doesn't make much sense). while we were walking we heard soft singing, not menacing or anything, just calm and quiet. I... | 01/05/21 04:24 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| << un thé >> vs. << du thé >> | One thing that it's been giving me that I'm not sure about is a sentence that is something like << Ils prennent un thé >>. But wouldn't this translate to "They have a cup of tea", like, one between the both of them? << Ils... | 01/05/21 04:12 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| NTLive Angels in America 2017 | **Base64decode dot org will translate:** aHR0cHM6Ly9kcml2ZS5nb29nbGUuY29tL2RyaXZl L2ZvbGRlcnMvMUJqYXBXZkdyWXFqcWU0cnpKc0Z0U jZ2X1VybHJmcHNzP3VzcD1zaGFyaW5n America in the mid-1980s. In the midst of... | 01/05/21 02:36 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
| idealnoe resume | ...genes italics how to write sources for research paper how to write in japanese translate into english how to write a good introduction for a book report homework writing sites usa how to write jasmine in japanese ieee research papers on biometrics... | 30/04/21 20:57 | Iran | community.vcp.ir | Tweet | | |
| She accepted but I don't know how to feel | Since you did not express your intentions I have to point out I'm seeing someone else" (I don't know how to perfectly translate this, maybe half committed?) Now, she's smart so I know *she must know* what my intentions were initially. I obviously... | 30/04/21 20:12 | United States | reddit.com | Tweet | | |
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