
Saturday, May 29, 2021

[Talkwalker Alerts] Alert for weather

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News 10 new results
The Problem with Enbridge Line 5 pipelines through the Great Lakes
...Niagara Falls. The strong underwater currents, fierce winds, and extreme winter weather conditions - sometimes including feet-thick ice cover - at the Straits make them ecologically sensitive and would make cleanup or recovery from a pipeline spill...
29/05/21 07:56 | United States | Tweet
If Meghan Markle thinks she's won the battle with me, she's in for a big shock, says PIERS MORGAN too personal. Alex is the stand-in weather guy. He is not even the full-time guy. He is a guy I have helped a lot in his...
29/05/21 05:01 | United Kingdom | Tweet
CDC eases summer camp guidance, saying kids do not always need masks
He had slammed the previous guidelines as "draconian," in part because they suggested that children wear masks while playing sports in hot, humid summer weather despite the low risk of outdoor transmission. "It's just disturbing that they do such...
29/05/21 02:01 | United States | Tweet
National Weather Service confirms tornado hit Bolivar, Mo. Thursday
BOLIVAR, Mo. (KY3) - The National Weather Service confirmed a tornado hit the Bolivar, Mo. community on Thursday. The EF1 twister hit around 11:50 a.m. The brief tornado hit along Killingsworth Avenue...
29/05/21 02:00 | United States | Tweet
Breweries, distilleries offering free drinks to vaccinated Minnesotans
The following establishments are participating in the "Cheers to the Vaccine" campaign. Bad Weather Brewing Company Bald Man Brewing Dampfwerk Distillery Co. Far North Spirits, Inc. Isanti Spirits La Dona Cerveceria Lawless Distilling Company...
29/05/21 00:08 | United States | Tweet
Beer chasers offered with COVID-19 vaccine in Minnesota
On-site vaccination events and incentives will be announced individually by Bad Weather Brewing Company, Bald Man Brewing, Dampfwerk Distillery, Far North Spirits, Isanti Spirits, La Dona Cerveceria, Lawless Distilling, L'Etoile du Nord, Loon...
28/05/21 23:47 | United States | Tweet
Tree Falls Onto Vehicles on Lake Shore Drive Near Downtown Chicago
traffic was getting by in one lane. Strong wind gusts were forecast for Friday in the Chicago area. The National Weather Service warned of northeast winds gusting up to 35 to 40 mph, with the strongest gusts near Lake...
28/05/21 22:04 | United States | Tweet
Bosses are acting like the pandemic never happened
9 million restaurant workers losing their jobs between March and May of last year. Now business is picking back up with rising vaccination rates and warmer weather, and restaurants are looking to hire again, but many say they can't find workers...
28/05/21 20:30 | United States | Tweet
UFO reported by Delta Air Lines pilot flying over Saskatchewan in early May: Transport Canada
...sort of UFO connotation. The incident's official classification under CADOR was a "weather balloon, meteor, rocket CIRVIS/UFO" with CIRVIS standing for communications instructions for reporting vital intelligence sightings. When reached for...
28/05/21 19:00 | Canada | Tweet
Prosecutors: 14-year-old Florida boy stabbed 13-year-old girl 114 times, now being charged as an...
Investigators said he is the only suspect in Tristyn's murder. to download the free WFTV news and weather apps, and to watch the latest news on your Smart...
28/05/21 18:59 | United States | Tweet
Twitter 10 new results
Hey @JetBlue our flight got diverted from Austin account of there was 60 mph wind's at the airport. Weather living rent free in your head smh
29/05/21 10:14 | United States | Tweet
Marquee Sports Network
Weather: Cold Cubs: 𝗛𝗢𝗧 🔥 #CubTogether
29/05/21 05:47 | United States | Tweet
Elizabeth Warren
When it comes to making the rich and powerful pay their fair share, we can't just talk about income—we have got to focus on wealth. The great fortunes of the top 0.1% are getting so big that they create their own weather systems. We need a #WealthTax in America.
29/05/21 04:53 | United States | Tweet
Justin Toscano
Mets fans in April: Bad weather sucks this is awful Mets fans in May: OK maybe this is fine with all the injuries
29/05/21 04:33 | United States | Tweet
remember when bang chan sang sweater weather
29/05/21 04:01 | United States | Tweet
emma coburn
9:08.2 for 5th place. Pretty standard opener for me. Not anything special, not good, not bad, just a solid race (especially given the 100 degree windy weather!). My first steeple in 20 months 😛 I need to be better if I'm aiming high for Tokyo! Back to work 💪
29/05/21 03:34 | United States | Tweet
enjoying the nice weather and some tunes🎵🍃 wallpaper comm for @quaylak (open for the full image!)
28/05/21 23:16 | United States | Tweet
US Department of the Interior
As the weather warms, wildflowers will sweep the higher elevations, adding a pop of color to places like @BLMNational's Pine Forest Range Wilderness in Nevada.
28/05/21 21:30 | United States | Tweet
Js1�� |∞
Jisoo was gone for 5 days and she updated with a weather report
28/05/21 17:35 | United States | Tweet
who needs a sauna when u have Taiwan weather
28/05/21 11:28 | Taiwan | Tweet
Blogs 10 new results
In 2021 Post-Pandemic New York City, Homelessness, Mental Illness And Open Drug Use Skyrocket As...
That is down from pre-pandemic levels of 365,000 but well up from last year's low of 35,000. 'People are starting to come back to Times Square, with warmer weather, increased vaccinations and a lot of pent-up demand,' Harris told
29/05/21 04:10 | United States | Tweet
...drought continues to worsen : Weather...
#CAwx — Daniel Swain (@Weather_West) May 28, 2021 Well, the cool weather reprieve is officially coming to an end. Strong high pressure will build along the West Coast this weekend, bringing a dome of very high 500mb...
29/05/21 03:03 | United States | Tweet
Auckland's transport planners are out of control
Instead of a safe cycling network, we get PR and gimmicks. In June, AT is hosting an all-day hackathon on whether "new all-weather cycling fashion" or a "compelling rewards scheme" could get people biking at Auckland University. It's hard to say...
29/05/21 01:01 | New Zealand | Tweet
Has Perez used his five-race Red Bull 'warm-up' well enough?
His Saturday in Spain was also further compromised by a shoulder problem. "Tyre compounds changing, wings changing, weather," said Perez when asked if these were the variables he was struggling with. "The kind of things that when you know a car...
28/05/21 18:11 | Philippines | Tweet
'Bipartisan' Is How Republicans Say 'Sucker!'
Ceding to Republicans and accepting any GOP proposal will only lead to the death of more people from extreme weather, continue the persistent under and unemployment Americans are facing, and will put in jeopardy the Democratic majority in 2022 and...
28/05/21 17:45 | United States | Tweet
Are You Prepared for the Communist Takeover?
Sabina was arrested and sent to a forced labor camp, where she barely survived off of meager scraps of food while digging a canal in freezing weather. Many of her fellow inmates died of exposure, starvation, or sickness. The Communists devised all...
28/05/21 17:29 | United States | Tweet
Jinnie's Story, Chapter Nineteen
...the weather was not favourable and probably wouldn't happen before April at the very earliest. In fact the weather was so ... snow was light. In the North Sea, the weather was foul and Commander Dobiecki was thankful that he was patrolling...
28/05/21 16:59 | United Kingdom | Tweet
The Misaligned Incentives for Cloud Security
Instead, cloud companies take the chance that they won't get hacked, and past experience tells them they can weather the storm if they do. This kind of decision-making and priority-setting takes place at the executive level, of course, and doesn't...
28/05/21 12:20 | United States | Tweet
5 Ways to Squeeze in a Good Reading Session.
...a chapter or two, especially when the weather is bad and the view outside is not particularly stunning. Having travelled...
28/05/21 01:19 | United States | Tweet
Bill Gates has radical plans to change our food. What's on the menu?
...recover from disturbances including extreme weather events, pests and disease. Recent science shows that chemical-intensive ... farming: soil health, product inputs, weather, cropping patterns and more, including genetic information on the world's...
27/05/21 00:44 | United States | Tweet
Discussions 10 new results
Do you like Japanese weather or Mexican weather? International 4chan
Anonymous 05/28/21(Fri)18:47:49 No.145820641 File: weather girl.jpg (232 KB, 1682x449) 232 KB JPG Anonymous 05/28/21(Fri)18:47:49 No.145820641 Do you like Japanese weather or Mexican weather?
30/05/21 00:47 | United States | Tweet
vp/ - BATTLE MECHANICS - Pokémon - 4chan
I was wondering what everyone's favorite and least favorite Battle Mechanics are, and what I mean by that is: Priority Moves Weather Entry Hazards Held Items etc. What about those do you like, dislike, and what would you love to never see or deal...
29/05/21 23:31 | United States | Tweet
Heading to the mountains of NE Georgia for the w/e..
Can't wait. Mid 70's during the day and upper 40's-low 50's at night. Perfect sleeping weather. The ruck sack and clothes are packed and ready to go. Food will be packed tomorrow and the wife will pack the car when she gets home from work and we...
29/05/21 02:05 | United States | Tweet
Why people like to wear jeans in SG hot weather?
Material seebey thick and seebey warm. What's worse alot of people tell me jeans can wear 1 week then wash. If I need to wear long pants I always wear those made of nylon or polyester material. Not so thick and more cooling
29/05/21 01:03 | Singapore | Tweet
What's the biggest frugal "backfire" you've had?
Like, I was trying to be frugal by replacing the weather-stripping on my doors myself... now the wind blows & the door whistles...
28/05/21 21:52 | United States | Tweet
35's vs 37's
The 35's were fine but I like the look of the 37's I am seeing in pics on this forum. I love the Falken wildpeak tires (they are amazing in all weather conditions). I use this vehicle as my daily driver and for road trips. I don't do much...
28/05/21 19:56 | United States | Tweet
Anything under 80F is too cold
Like the title says, weather below 80F (26C) is too cold and no human should have to endure that atrocity. It is currently 70F where I live and I have my heating on and wearing a hoodie. The...
28/05/21 19:42 | United States | Tweet
First Eland Hunt
...amount of detail so a longer read... The weather reports leading up to the Saturday showed dismal and wet conditions. This ... around 09h30. We headed back out, the weather was starting to lift, but game movement was slow. We were very lucky to a...
28/05/21 19:32 | South Africa | Tweet
Gps Question! | General Chat
Apart from the resistance to weather conditions and damage resistance (not necessary) what's the difference between car and motorcycle GPS's? Because if I get one it'll mainly be used in the...
28/05/21 17:53 | United States | Tweet
Mosquito type nats in my bathroom NORMAL ? | San Diego | California (CA)
Down in TJ for example I am used to warmer weather bringing flies into my apartment. It is unavoidable from my experience ... pretty common around water during warmer weather ? I have screens on all my doors/windows. They must be coming up from the...
27/05/21 23:03 | United States | Tweet
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