
Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Visualize Your Brand Reputation In Real Time


Consumer sentiment at your fingertips



Maintaining a good brand reputation increases customer loyalty, and helps position you as an industry leader. Consumers read about 10 reviews before parting with their cash, making a positive reputation essential. How do you monitor your reputation? Dashboards....

Show Me A Brand Reputation Dashboard
Brand reputation dashboard

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it." Warren Buffet


Customer experience is about attention to detail. It's what your brand reputation is built on. Good customer experience tells consumers that your brand will continue to support them, after they've purchased your product.

We'd like to share our free - simulated - dashboard template that will find and analyze brand reputation metrics to reveal…

  • Sentiment analysis to find how consumers feel about your brand, and detect early signs of crises
  • Insight into the share of voice of your brand with compared to your competitors
  • Conversation analysis during the customer journey to find insights for forecasting and planning
  • And more
Show Me How Consumers Feel

Meg Carpenter


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